Název: Ray tracing of nonlinear fractals
Autoři: Wonka, Peter
Gervautz, Michael
Citace zdrojového dokumentu: Journal of WSCG. 1998, vol. 6, no. 1-3, p. 424-431.
Datum vydání: 1998
Nakladatel: Václav Skala - UNION Agency
Typ dokumentu: článek
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11025/15868
ISSN: 1213-6972 (print)
1213-6980 (CD-ROM)
1213-6964 (online)
Klíčová slova: nelineární fraktály;nelineární ray tracing;CSG-pL-systémy;přírodní jevy
Klíčová slova v dalším jazyce: nonlinear fractals;nonlinear ray tracing;CSG-pL-systems;natural phenomena
Abstrakt v dalším jazyce: We present a new kind of parametric Lindenmayer-systems called nonlinear CSG-pL-systems, which are useful for the modeling of nonlinear fractals and fractal like objects. Nonlinear CSG-pL-systems describe cyclic CSG-Graphs, which can include several nonlinear transformations. To render the given objects a ray tracing algorithm is introduced, that is independent of the transformations and the under laying CSG-primitives. We use tapering, twist and bend as nonlinear transformations for our implementation. The new modeling possibilities and their visualization for abstract fractals and natural phenomena are investigated.
Práva: © Václav Skala - UNION Agency
Vyskytuje se v kolekcích:Volume 6, number 1-3 (1998)

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