Dějepis XXIV Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Breitfelder, Miroslav
Morávková, Naděžda
Úvodní strany |
Řeháček, Karel
Organizace ostrahy česko-bavorské státní hranice na Plzeňsku od května 1945 do února 1948 The security and impenetrability of the Czech-Bavarian border in Pilsen’s area (Tachov, Domažlice, Klatovy) ranked after the World War II to the important tasks of Czechoslovak, German and American security forces. The system of border protection was created in the years 1945-1948 and... |
Rázek, Adolf
Vznik a proměny železné opony: začátky The article follows the emergence and development of a security border of the post-war Czechoslovakia, which formed the divide between the American and Soviet spheres of interest. Changes in the pattern and level of fortification clearly associated with the development of international ... |
Morávková, Naděžda
Legislativa, administrativa a cestování přes západní hranici za socialismu: možnosti a meze Development of passport and visa regulations after the coup in 1948 has undergone an interesting way from a complete closure of the border to the West after the gradual release of the late sixties to the re-normalization of the cloister. Equally interesting is the development&... |
Meinke, Markus Alexander
Eine verpasste Gelegenheit?: der Grenzübergang Höll-Lísková und die Bemühungen um seine Wiedereröffnung |
Krausová, Milada
Hra za oponou - "Drachenstich" ve Furth im Wald v padesátých letech 20. století a jeho proměny The play “Drachenstich” in Furth im Wald is traditionally described as the eldest festival performance in the Bavarian Forest. The author considers J. M. Bauer’s variant, which came to performance from 1952 to 2006. She observes the view of life “behind the iron curtain” as... |
Jílek, Tomáš
Protiprávní praktiky komunistického režimu po Únoru 1948 v česko-bavorském příhraničí The article deals with the controversial practices of socialist Czechoslovakia in protecting the state border - border guards shooting at fleeing unarmed persons, refugees died in the electric wires of high voltage and minefields, the discharge of service dogs to "free run" an... |
Jílek, Tomáš
Závěrečné vojenské operace americké armády v česko-bavorském pohraničí a jejich úloha v západočeksém regionu ranged from espionage in the West through the monitoring of its own citizens in the other state contacts to obstruction of opposition groups. In practice, however, German comrades were not always satisfied with their dilatory approach of Czechoslovak colleagues and helped to train ... |
Trützschler von Falkenstein, Eugenie
Die Grenze zwischen Ost und Westen - die Zusammenarbeit im Geiste der altösterreichischen Biertischideologie und dem preußischen Gehorsamsdrill: die Bruderstaaten Tschechoslowakische sozialistische Republik und die Deutsche demokratische Republik im gesamteuropäischen Kontext (1960-1990) Access to the processing of the socialist past is different in the FRG and the Czech Republic. In particular, this fact clearly reflected in the processing of border regime of two former "fraternal" countries: Czechoslovakia and East Germany. The aim of presented study is... |
Breitfelder, Miroslav
Roosevelt, Stalin a prehistorie železné opony Many authors have reported that the Western Allies at Yalta sold their Central and East Europian partners to Stalin. This article tries to demonstrate that the process of "abandonment" of this part of Europe to Communist Russia began even before entering of the USSR ... |
Bank, Rainhold
Der Budesgrenzschutz in der Überwachung der bayerisch-böhmischne Grenze in den Jahren 1950-1990 mit Schwerpunkt Grenzenschutzabteilung Schwandorf In Deutschland feiert im nächsten Jahr eine Organisation ihren 60. Geburtstag, die eine sehr wechselhafte Geschichte mit vielen Reformen hinter sich hat und heute mit fast 40.000 Angehörigen zum festen Bestandteil der bundesdeutschen Polizei- und Sicherheitslandschaft geworden ist – der Bundegren... |
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