Název: New possible aproach to modelling in power engineering
Autoři: Noháč, Karel
Noháčová, Lucie
Citace zdrojového dokumentu: Proceedings of the Intensive Programme 2008. 1st ed. Pilsen: University of West Bohemia. Faculty of electrical engineering. Department of electrical power engineering and environmental engineering, 2008, s. 128-131. ISBN 978-80-7043-681-3.
Datum vydání: 2008
Nakladatel: University of West Bohemia. Faculty of electrical engineering. Department of electrical power engineering and environmental engineering
Typ dokumentu: konferenční příspěvek
URI: http://home.zcu.cz/~tesarova/IP/Proceedings/Proc_2008/index.htm
ISBN: 978-80-7043-681-3
Klíčová slova: modelování;simulace;elektrická síť;mechanické zařízení;energetika
Klíčová slova v dalším jazyce: modelling;simulation;electrical network;mechanical equipment;power engineering
Abstrakt v dalším jazyce: Currently are many possibilities of computer simulation in power engineering. Demands in this branch are very specific, because there is necessary in most cases to simulate multiple technical disciplines. Not only electrical network is to solve, but also connection with mechanical equipment and other devices of power engineering. There are software packages capable to simulate simple problems, but also very complex tools, which can solve differential problems. One of the most powerful tools that meet all there requirements is Dynast. Now new library for electric components was developed to make creation of model easy and fast.
Práva: © University of West Bohemia
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Proceedings of the intensive programme 2008

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