Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KNJ) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Škubalová, Jana
Kolísání pádu u předložek v německém jazyce This bachelor thesis about the fluctuation of the case at the prepositions in German language is divided into a theoretical and practical part. The prepositions are defined by various authors in the theoretical part. The prepositions are later divided by different criteria (such as... |
Nováková, Michaela
Jména osob v německých a českých frazeologismech This bachelor thesis focuses on the personal names in Czech and German phraseology. The thesis is divided into two parts: a theoretical and a practical part. The theoretical part consisting of the chapters describes phraseology as a linguistic discipline and discusses the German an... |
Burgerová, Eva
Analýza syntaktických chyb v písemných projevech středoškoláků The bachelor thesis "Analysis of syntactic errors in written highschools students speeches" is dealing with basic syntactic phenomena. The thesis is divided in two parts, theoretical and practical. The aim of the thesis was to discover, how the students of high schools control... |
Kreuzová, Kristýna
Richard Teschner - rakouský malíř, loutkář a scénograf z Karlových Varů The Undergraduate thesis "Richard Teschner - Austrian Painter, Puppet Master and Scenographer from Carlsbad" deals with a native of Karlovy Vary - artist Richard Teschner, who went to study in Vienna after studying at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague, where he settled... |
Mašková, Anna
Rakouská skupina Granada na pomezí stylu mezi vídeňskou a štýrskou hudbou The topic of this bachelor thesis is an Austrian Band Granada between Grazer and Wienerlied. The thesis has two parts the theoretical and practical part. In the theoretical part is described the genre Wienerlied. The typical sign of Wienerlied is the Austrian dialect, that's... |
Holubová, Marcela
Vzdělávací systémy v německy mluvících zemích a jejich eventuální přínos pro ČR This bachelor thesis deals with the differences of the Austrian and Bavarian educational systems, which are compared with the Czech educational system in which I primarily study. The practical part concentrates on the differences of the Bavarian and Austrian grammar school systems. ... |
Čechová, Michaela
Bavorské výrazy v tiskových sděleních FC Bayern München The bachelor thesis deals with Bavarian expressions in FC Bayern München press releases. It is divided in theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part depicts history of the club, introduces some of the fan organizations and their activities. Furthermore, the thesis concerns wit... |
Peterová, Aneta
Zvyky a tradice v Čechách a Štýrsku - výzkum a porovnání This undergraduate thesis deals with holidays celebrated in Styria and Bohemia and with the corresponding customs and traditions kept by the students aged between 20 and 30 years. The Czech Republic and Austria used to have a common cultural background for a long time... |
Rychlá, Adéla
Použití participií v jazyku tisku The topic of this bachelor thesis is the use of participles in the German newspaper. It is divided into theoretical and practical part. The first part explains the term "Non-finite verb forms" and its forms. This work deals in detail, with individual participles, their... |
Feitl, Štěpán
Rovná a okolí - zaniklé obce ve Slavkovském lese a pokus o obnovu jedné z nich The thesis is divided into three main parts. The first part deals with the historical development of the Czech borderland. The author focuses on the pre-war period, the expulsion of the German population and the subsequent settlement process. He briefly mentions the Military Traini... |
Komanová, Katrin
Vnímání Rakouska v Plzni This bachelor thesis deals with the perception of Austria in Pilsen. The thesis was devided into theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part deals with the history of Pilsen to the end of the Habsburg Monarchy, Austrian traces in Pilsen and famous personalities who ar... |
Starý, Jaromír
Mezi světem minulosti a zemí budoucnosti - poslední díla Štefana Zweiga In this thesis three late literary works of Stefan Zweig are analyzed: The World of Yesterday, Chess Story and Brazil Land of the Future. These books are compared from various points of view. This thesis shows that Zweig in these books, the two utopian ones and also&... |
Jadlovská, Michaela
Vnímání České republiky v rakouském tisku This Bachelor thesis deals with perception of The Czech Republic in the Austrian press since 2007 to the present. The theoretical part is about today´s Austria-Czech relations and the explanation of the media, print specifications and text types in the press. The practical part... |
Edelová, Veronika
Odposlouchávací stanice Bundeswehru u československých hranic se zaměřením na stanici Hohen Bogen v období studené války During the Cold War, the Western and Eastern bloc were eavesdropping on each other. For the German Bundeswehr also worked the station Hohen Bogen, receivers of which reached far into the former Czechoslovakia and into the communication channels of the Czechoslovak People's Army.... |
Poklopová, Zuzana
Vizualizace gramatiky ve výuce This bachelor thesis deals with the pictures, which represent some grammatical phenomenon. This work is divided into two parts - theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part explains the advantages of visualization for teaching and learning, how it could be helpful during the... |
Herličková, Jana
Němčina po angličtině - pozitivní transfer v morfologii a syntaxi This undergraduate thesis is based on the current situation in the field of foreign language teaching. English is becoming the number one language, most schools teach English as the first foreign language. German follows as much as the second or even another foreign language. ... |
Topinková, Klára
Zvláštnosti tvoření plurálu u podstatných jmen The topic of this bachelor thesis is the curiosity of making the plural of nouns. The thesis is divided into the theoretical and practical part. In the theoretical part is a general description of making the plural of nouns and its curiosity. This part describes some ... |
Malá, Pavlína
Nominalizace a nominální styl ve vybraných druzích textu The bachelor thesis is focused on the analysis of the nominalization and nominal style in selected types of text. The thesis is divided into two main parts - the theoretical part and practical part. The aim of the theoretical part is to explain nominal style in Germa... |
Kalis, Arabella
Jména osob v německých pohádkách a jejich české ekvivalenty This undergraduate thesis examines the translation of proper names, especially the speaking names found in the Grimm's Fairy Tales. It deals not only with the distinction between proper and common Names but also with the way of their translation. The main purpose of this t... |
Štenglová, Martina
Česko-německá setkání na příkladu chovatelů německých ovčáků The aim of this paper is to study the relation of Czech-German breeders/owners of the German shepherds and to analyze their mutual relationships and meetings. Among others this paper reflects current situation and offers a solution of the language barrier between Czechs and Ge... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta pedagogická / Faculty of Education
- Katedra německého jazyka / Department of German Language