Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KOS) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 181 až 200 z 1089
Löwy, Leona
Ošetřovatelský proces z pohledu studenta programu Všeobecné ošetřovatelství

The bachelor thesis focuses on the issue of the contradiction between theory and practice of the nursing process from the perspective of students of the General Nursing programme. In this thesis, the subjective opinion of the students of the General Nursing program on the impl...

Školníková, Jana
Ošetřovatelský proces u pacienta se zánětem žlučníku a žlučových cest

The topic of my bachelor thesis is "Nursing process in a patient with inflammation of the gallbladder and biliary tract". The work is divided into two parts - theoretical and practical. In the theoretical part I deal with the anatomy of the gallbladder and biliary&#x...

Laurincová, Kateřina
Využití koncepčního modelu ošetřovatelské péče o pacienta s neurologickým onemocněním.

The bachelor's thesis verifies the posibility of using the koncept of the nursing mo- del of energy fields, specifically "United People" model of M. Rogers, in outpatient nursing care for patiens with neuroborreliosis. The teoretical part summarizes the basic informatio...

Stoklasová, Lucie
Edukace pacienta po laparoskopické cholecystektomii.

The bachelor thesis deals with the issue of education in patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy. It consists of a practical and a theoretical part. The theoretical part addresses pathophysiology and examination methods of the gallbladder. The surgical technique together with its&...

Chlubnová, Michaela
Aktuální trendy v léčbě a řešení HIV/AIDS

This overview bachelor thesis discusses the issue of HIV infection and AIDS disease. The first part of the thesis describes the agent of infection, transmission of the virus, diagnosis and progression of the disease. In the second part, treatment of the infection is described ...

Gergelová, Aneta
Adaptační proces všeobecných sester na oddělení následné intenzivní péče

The Bachelor's thesis "Adaptive process of general nurses in the after-care unit" describes the adaptation process, adaptation and it's types in the theoretical part, describing the after-care unit, patient mix, instruments and staffing. It shall inform the manner in which the&#...

Micková, Markéta
Specifika ošetřovatelské péče o pacienty s jaterním selháním na podkladě Wilsonovy choroby

Present bachelor thesis is concerned with the nursing practice of patients suffering from liver failure due to Wilson´s disease. In the theoretical part, the phenomena of liver failure and Wilson´s disease are introduced. Namely, aspects concerning the disease are discussed such at its&...

Němečková, Zdeňka
Specifika ošetřovatelství nemocných s Huntingtonovou chorobou

The Bachelor's thesis deals with the issue and specific nurising care of patients with Huntington's disease who are hospitalized in the psychiatric ward of internal aftercare at the Psychiatric Hospital in Dobřany.

Baraniková, Michala
Ošetřovatelské péče o pacienta po radikální prostatektomii

The bachelor thesis deals with the experiences of patients undergoing surgical treatment of prostate cancer. Thesis is divided into theroetical and practical part. The theroetical part, elaborates in the context of the research problem, the areas of nursing, prostate cancer, prostate cancer&...

Fiklíková, Monika
Kvalita života pacienta s diabetes mellitus

The aim of this thesis is to determine the quality of life of patients suffering with diabetes mellitus. In the theoretical section, diabetes mellitus disease is characterized while the individual chapters focus on diabetes mellitus classification, treatment and possible complications. A par...

Tóthová, Patricie
Kontinuální péče porodní asistentky o ženu od těhotenství po šestinedělí

This bachelor's thesis focuses on the midwife's continuous care for women from pregnancy to puerperium. The thesis is divided into theoretical and practical parts. The theoretical part focuses on the history of midwifery and continuous care of midwives in the Czech Republic. Thi...

Kováříková, Veronika
Ošetřovatelská péče o ženu ve fertilním věku s epilepsií

The topic of our bachelor thesis is Nursing care for a woman of childbearing age with epilepsy. In the theoretical part we focus on the characteristics, diagnosis, classification of seizures and the treatment of epilepsy. Furthermore, the specifics of epileptic disease in women fro...

Tomanová, Karolína
Péče porodní asistentky o ženu při porodu z pohledu rodičky

This bachelor thesis deals with the topic Care of a midwife for a woman during childbirth from the mother's point of view. The theoretical part describes the history of the midwife, the current profession of midwife, competencies and international definition of midwives. Childbirth&...

Šoffrová, Alena
Péče o ženu v šestinedělí v komunitní péči

This bachelor thesis is devoted to the care of a midwife for a woman in the puerperium period in community environment. It is divided into theoretical and practical parts. The theoretical part describes puerperium, physiological changes after childbirth, and complications that may occur...

Šklebená, Kristýna
Antikoncepce a vliv na zdraví ženy

The presented bachelor thesis deals with the topic of contraception and its effect on women's health. It is divided into theoretical and practical parts. The theoretical part contains the meaning of the word contraception, its history and reliability, a brief description of the ...

Šebestová, Karolina
Premenstruační syndrom

This bachelor thesis deals with description of premenstrual syndrome, it is divided into theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part is focused on the physiology of the menstrual cycle, which is described in individual chapters. It focuses on the physiological effects of sex&#x...

Šmejcká, Rebeca
Gravidita ve vyšším věku

This bachelor thesis explores the experience of pregnancy in older women. It is divided into theoretical and practical parts. The theoretical part focuses on the topic of pregnancy and pregnancy-related changes. Another section is devoted to prenatal care and the specifics of pregnancy&...

Neubertová, Barbora
Problematika ženské prostituce z pohledu porodní asistentky

The bachelor thesis focuses on the lives of prostituting women from the biopsychosocial field and also addresses the possibility of helping prostituting women with midwives who work with female from childhood to menopause and can improve the quality of these women and help them...

Kubecová, Viktorie
Péče porodní asistentky o onkogynekologicky nemocné ženy

The general question is: how difficult is the process of copping with serious gynecological disease by women and what is role of midwife in this. The main goal is to answer to the previous question. Real possibilities of midwife and other subjects in the process will ...

Paterová, Michala
Soukromá praxe porodní asistentky

This bachelor thesis focuses on the work of private midwives. The work is divided into theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part describes the definition of a midwife, her competences and the professional organization of midwives. It also discusses the issue of midwifery ...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 181 až 200 z 1089