Konferenční příspěvky / Conference Papers (KIV) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Červenka, Martin
Havlíček, Ondřej
Kohout, Josef
Váša, Libor
Computerised muscle modelling and simulation for interactive applications The main challenges of collision detection and handling in muscle modelling are demonstrated. Then, a collision handling technique is tested, exploiting the issue of muscle penetrating the bone in some circumstances, mainly when the movement is too rapid or the displacement of the ... |
Weyns, Danny
Gerostathopoulos, Ilias
Abbas, Nadeem
Andersson, Jesper
Biffl, Stefan
Brada, Přemysl
Bureš, Tomáš
Di Salle, Amleto
Lago, Patricia
Musil, Angelika
Musil, Juergen
Pelliccione, Patrizio
Preliminary Results of a Survey on the Use of Self-Adaptation in Industry Self-adaptation equips a software system with a feedback loop that automates tasks that otherwise need to be performed by operators. Such feedback loops have found their way to a variety of practical applications, one typical example is an elastic cloud. Yet, the state of the&... |
Černý, Lukáš
Towards automatic validation of composite heterogeneous systems in edge situations Systems implementing safety functions are becoming more complex, which is also related to their communication and perception capabilities in an environment. Such systems, primarily seen in mobility, become more susceptible to failures in complex decision-making situations that are difficult to un... |
Baloun, Josef
Lenc, Ladislav
Král, Pavel
Robust Grid Detection in Historical Map Images This paper presents a novel method for grid detection in historical maps. The approach is based on Hough transform accompanied with a sophisticated post-processing. They are applied to detect the grid that consists of graticule lines. It works without any training and does not ... |
Mouček, Roman
Honzík, Václav
Spiking Neural Networks for Classification of Brain-Computer Interface and Image Data Spiking neural networks are a promising concept not only in terms of better simulation of biological neural networks but also in terms of overcoming the current disadvantages of artificial neural networks, such as high energy consumption or slow response time. The paper focuses on&... |
Skala, Václav
Critical Points Properties of Ordinary Differential Equations as a Projection of Implicit Functions Using Spatio-Temporal Taylor Expansion This contribution describes a new approach to formulation of ODE and PDE critical points using implicit formulation as t-variant scalar function using the Taylor expansion. A general condition for the critical points is derived and specified for t invariant case. It is expected, th... |
Skala, Václav
A novel, fast and robust triangular mesh reconstruction from a wire-frame 3D model with holes for CAD/CAM systems This contribution presents a new approach to the 3D geometric model representation based on vertices and edges only, i.e. by the wire-frame data model, where no facet representation is needed, if the surface is formed by a triangular mesh. |
Skala, Václav
Hermite Parametric Bicubic Patch Defined by the Tensor Product Bicubic parametric plates are essential for many geometric applications, especially for CAD/CAM systems used in the automotive industry, mechanical and civil engineering applications. Usually the Hermite, B´ezier, Coons or NURBS plates are used. There is always a problem to explain how ... |
De Falco, Ivanoe
Della Cioppa, Antonio
Koutný, Tomáš
Scafuri, Umberto
Tarantino, Ernesto
Úbl, Martin
Grammatical Evolution-Based Approach for Extracting Interpretable Glucose-Dynamics Models The quality of life of diabetic patients can be enhanced by devising a personalized control algorithm, integrated within an artificial pancreas, capable of dosing the insulin. A key action in the building of this artificial device is to conceive an efficient algorithm for forecasti... |
De Falco, Ivanoe
Della Cioppa, Antonio
Koutný, Tomáš
Scafuri, Umberto
Tarantino, Ernesto
Úbl, Martin
An Evolution-based Machine Learning Approach for Inducing Glucose Prediction Models Within this paper a Grammatical Evolution algorithm is exploited to induce personalized and interpretable glucose forecasting models for diabetic patients based on the historical measurements of the glucose, the carbohydrates, and the injected insulin. A real-world data set of Type 1 diabeti... |
Pozzobon, Enrico
Renner, Sebastian
Mottok, Jürgen
Matoušek, Václav
An optimized Bitsliced Masked Adder for ARM Thumb-2 Controllers The modular addition is used as a non-linear operation in ARX ciphers because it achieves the requirement of introducing non-linearity in a cryptographic primitive while only taking one clock cycle to execute on most modern architectures. This makes ARX ciphers especially fast in s... |
Přibáň, Pavel
Steinberger, Josef
Czech Dataset for Cross-lingual Subjectivity Classification In this paper, we introduce a new Czech subjectivity dataset of 10k manually annotated subjective and objective sentences from movie reviews and descriptions. Our prime motivation is to provide a reliable dataset that can be used with the existing English dataset as a benchmark... |
Otta, Maxmilián
Towards a health software supporting platform for wearable devices The number of broadly available wearable devices like smart watches or fitness bands keeps growing, as well as their performance and number of provided features related to user’s health. This was the reason for our decision to bring the SmartCGMS (Smart Continuous Glucose Monitorin... |
Mourycová, Eliška
Váša, Libor
Geometry Compression of Triangle Meshes using a Reference Shape Triangle mesh compression is an established area, however, some of its special cases are yet to be investigated. This paper deals with lossy geometry compression of manifold triangle meshes based on the EdgeBreaker algorithm using a reference shape known to both the encoder and... |
Lenc, Ladislav
Martínek, Jiří
Baloun, Josef
Prantl, Martin
Král, Pavel
Historical Map Toponym Extraction for Efficient Information Retrieval The paper deals with detection, classification and recognition of toponyms in hand-drawn historical cadastral maps. Toponyms are local names of towns, villages and landscape features such as rivers, forests etc. The detected and recognized toponyms are utilized as keywords in an information&... |
Skala, Václav
Černý, Matěj
Saleh, Josef Yassin
Simple and Efficient Acceleration of the Smallest Enclosing Ball for Large Data Sets in E2: Analysis and Comparative Results Finding the smallest enclosing circle of the given points in E2 is a seemingly simple problem. However, already proposed algorithms have high memory requirements or require special solutions due to the great recursion depth or high computational complexity unacceptable for large data se... |
Kohout, Josef
Červenka, Martin
Non-planar Surface Shape Reconstruction from a Point Cloud in the Context of Muscles Attachments Estimation Knowledge of muscle attachments on bones is essential for musculoskeletal modelling. A muscle attachment is often represented by points (in 3D) obtained by a manual digitisation system during dissection. Although this representation suffices for many purposes, sophisticated musculoskeletal models comm... |
Ekštein, Kamil
What Artificial Intelligence Can Do for You |
Potužák, Tomáš
Current Trends in Road Traffic Network Division for Distributed or Parallel Road Traffic Simulation There are many existing methods for road traffic network division based on various approaches. However, there is a lack of surveys mapping these methods. For this reason, this paper is a survey of existing methods for road traffic network division published in last two decades... |
Mouček, Roman
Vařeka, Lukáš
Brůha, Petr
Šnejdar, Pavel
Horký, Michal
Herejková, Ivana
BrainIn: A Data-driven Software System for Neurorehabilitation of People with Acquired Brain Injuries The current model of neurorehabilitation provides comprehensive care (neurologist, physiotherapist, occupational therapist, psychologist, speech therapist) in the acute phase of acquired brain injuries during hospitalization in some countries. However, follow-up care is insufficient or completely absent, especially&... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikační činnost / Publications
- Fakulta aplikovaných věd / Faculty of Applied Sciences
- Katedra informatiky a výpočetní techniky / Department of Computer Science and Engineering
- 60 2020 - 2023
- 81 2010 - 2019
- 33 2000 - 2009
- 6 1996 - 1999