Disertační práce / Dissertations (KET) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Pavec, Martin
Flexibilní elektronika a Smart textilie The presented work is focused on the technology of planar antennas on a textile basis. The first part analyzes the current state of knowledge. The objectives of the dissertation are presented in the second part. The third part is focused on the description of selected tec... |
Justa, Josef
Flexibilní elektronika a Smart textilie The dissertation thesis primarily focuses on partial problems related to inertial human localization in a building without technical infrastructure. Specifically, there are two sub-problems of determining the direction of motion and determining the speed of motion. There are only few options ... |
Šíma, Karel
Perspektivní elektronické součástky This work is focused on the development of a relative humidity sensor element based on carbon allotropes for use in logistics, especially in the field of smart packaging materials. The result of the work is the relative humidity sensor element based on carbon nanotubes that... |
Kalaš, David
Flexibilní elektronika a smart textilie The dissertation thesis is concerned with the novel technology of thermo-compression contacting and the realisation of interconnections of electronic components and modules with textile substrates. The introduction deals with a description of electronic contact characteristic properties and its key pa... |
Benešová, Andrea
Řízení perspektivních technologických procesů v elektrotechnice The presented dissertation is based on the current knowledge of the new industrial revolution, referred to as Industry 4.0, and is mainly focused on the issue of assessing the readiness of the digital transformation of the enterprise necessary to achieve the main vision of thi... |
Navrátil, Jiří
Mikrovia substráty The thesis is focused on printed electronics, especially on utilizing unique Aerosol Jet printing technology in this field. It also describes state of art of printed electronics and a few of the most commonly used selective printing technologies today. The experimental part ... |
Michal, Ondřej
Nové materiály pro dielektrické obvody elektrických zařízení This dissertation deals with the study of the dielectric properties of novel polyester-imide resins that have been prepared and modified using nanoscale additives. The focus of this thesis is to compare conventional epoxy resins and their possible replacement by modern polyester-imide resins... |
Kozák, Ondřej
Interakce vysokonapěťových elektroizolačních systémů s HVDC This thesis deals with the partial discharges in inhomogeneous dielectric materials in an electric field. It describes basic kinds of partial discharges, fundamentals, formation and their effects on electro insulating materials. Furthermore, the thesis is devoted to measured variables, methods of... |
Hlína, Jiří
Tištěná elektronika This thesis deals with issues of power electronics substrates, especially with power electronics substrates realized by thick film technology (TPC technology). Conventional power electronics substrates, ceramic materials for their manufacturing and power electronics substrates realized by TPC technology ar... |
Totzauer, Pavel
Nové diagnostické metody a postupy v elektrotechnologii The aim of this paper is to present possible ways to improve the parameters of vegetable oils for use as electroinsulating fluids. The monitored parameters were selected due to their influence on the long-term use of vegetable oil in transformers. The thesis begins... |
Kadlec, Petr
Analýza životnosti elektroizolačních materiálů pomocí strukturálních analýz This PhD thesis deals with the issue of electrical insulating composite materials, which are designed primarily for the cable industry and should meet the requirements for reduced flammability and overall safety of cable lines for lower voltage levels in indoor and outdoor environments.... |
Hahn, Pavel
Aplikace infračervené spektroskopie s Fourierovou transformací pro analýzu elektroizolačních materiálů The main focus of this work is an experiment dealing with transformer oil analysis during its accelerated thermal aging. The main objective was particularly the verification of the end-point criteria of oil during aging and determination of times needed to obtain these criteria. Th... |
Šimota, Jan
Návrh a ověření nových metod pro optimalizace a simulace výrobních procesů se zaměřením na oblast vývoje, výroby a diagnostiky v elektrotechnice This thesis deals with design of a methodology for risk modelling and management in electrical engineering sector. The opening part summarizes topic of process management and common used methods for their control, visualization and simulation. Further, summarizes topic of theory of risk ... |
Smítka, Václav
Senzory chemických látek This dissertation deals with gas sensors and the possibilities of parameters measurement with respect to the imaginary part of complex impedance. The broadband impedance spectroscopy is a powerful tool to express complex permittivity changes in response to a change in the composition of... |
Zuzjak, Ladislav
Vícekanálové měřicí metody v akustice Multi-channel sound systems are very often used in many areas. One of the significant area is music playback in the entertainment industry. A specific area is high-quality car sound system. At the present, the sound systems in the automotive are realized using multi-channel loudspe... |
Čermák, Michal
Využití aluminosilikátů v elektroizolačních materiálech This doctoral thesis summarizes the state of the art in the area of Halloysite nanotubes with focus on its perspective utilization in halogen free flame-retardant cable polymer nanocomposites. The introductory chapter focuses on the development of technical standards and European legislation,... |
Mraček, Lukáš
Perspektivní elektronické součástky na bázi organických sloučenin With the discovery of conductive polymers in the 1970s, new opportunities for organic electronics research opened up. Later, these materials began to be used in combination with printed electronics. The field of printed electronics is devoted to the research described in this thesis.... |
Hornak, Jaroslav
Interakce nehomogenního dielektrika s elektrickým polem Dielectric materials of different forms and states are an inseparable part of high voltage applications. From the point of reliability, it is the weakest part of the reliability chain of the whole device. For this reason, there is necessary to take the effort to the ... |
Kabešová, Zuzana
Metody hodnocení hluku v komunálním prostředí As a part of everyday life, noise can influence human health, the quality of living and peace of mind. The WHO (World Health Organization) defines health as "a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity"... |
Zemanová, Monika
Dynamická mechanická analýza elektroizolačních materiálů The presented doctoral thesis is focused on possibilities of incorporation of a nonwoven nanofibers polymeric layers into a standard fibre/thermoset-matrix system based on glass cloth, mica paper and epoxy resin. The main purpose is composition modification of the previously mentioned compos... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikační činnost / Publications
- Fakulta elektrotechnická / Faculty of Electrical Engineering
- Katedra technologií a měření / Department of Technologies and Measurement