Katedra občanského práva / Department of Civil Right
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Maisnerová, Katarína
Náklady exekučního řízení In addition to defining the factors influencing enforcement proceedings, or analyzing the decision-making process on the costs of enforcement, it also compares the remuneration of other legal professions. Part of the work is also a kind of evaluation of the evolution of technology... |
Nemanský, Jan
Zajištění závazku zástavním právem a zajišťovacím převodem práva The present study delves into the intricate domain of debt securities, focusing specifically on lien and security transfer of rights. The author recognizes the similarities between these two entities while emphasizing their distinctive characteristics. Extensive examination is conducted to explore... |
Hablovič, Jakub
Postmortální ochrana osobnosti The work deals with the protection of personality after a person's death and consists of three basic chapters. The first chapter, the theoretical basis, deals more deeply with the theoretical contradiction of this protection, which consists in the protection of a subject without... |
Schwartzová, Aneta
K nicotnosti rozhodnutí orgánu obchodní korporace ve vztahu k rejstříkovému řízení, se zaměřením na vady notářského zápisu The contribution is focused on the issue of the nullity of the decision of the body of the business corporation in relation to the registry procedure. The author first defines the concept of nullity in general. It then focuses on the problematic aspects of the ... |
Mifek, Jan
Plnění splátkového kalendáře prostřednictvím smlouvy o důchodu The contribution discusses the fulfillment of the repayment schedule of the debtor in insolvency proceedings from funds obtained on the basis of a nego tiated pension contract. The analysis is devoted to the institution of the pension contract, the fulfillment of the&... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikační činnost / Publications
- Fakulta právnická / Faculty of Law
- 16 občanský zákoník
- 13 právo
- 12 law
- 9 Civil Code
- další >
- 94 2020 - 2024
- 27 2013 - 2019