Články / Articles (KAR) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Hložek, Josef
Současná archeologie na Pražském hradě. Rozhovor s Janou Maříkovou-Kubkovou o nejvýznamnější opevněné lokalitě v Čechách |
Černá, Lenka
Reflexe sociální organizace a symboliky v období zvoncovitých pohárů na příkladu pohřebiště Hoštice I za Hanou This paper focuses on exploration of “hidden” structures at one of the largest cemetery of the Bell Beaker culture – Hoštice I za Hanou in Moravia. This site consists of 157 graves with 143 detected individuals and represents equal ratio for male and female graves. On... |
Gojda, Martin
The Potential of Aerial Reconnaissance in the Detection, Mapping and 3D Reconstruction Modelling of Crop-Marked Military Components of Bohemia’s Postmedieval and Early Industrial Landscape From the 17th to the 19th century, a score of military events, campaigns and battles took place in the Czech lands, leaving numerous traces and distinctly changing the appearance of the cultural landscape in some regions. This paper is an attempt to critically evaluate these... |
Ježek, Josef
Mikroskopická analýza vybraných nožů z doby bronzové z Plzeňského kraje The paper deals with the traseological (microscopic and macroscopic) analysis of the surface of five bronze knives (unique detector finds) from the Pilsen region, which have been added to the collections of the West Bohemian Museum in the last two years. The analysis was carri... |
Krištuf, Petr
Krásný, Filip
Šteffl, Jindřich
Depot srpů a nově zjištěné hradiště (?) u obce Kluky na Mladoboleslavsku The article deals with a hoard of sickles found at Kluky (Mladá Boleslav District). At a depth of 15–20cm, three sickles placed one above another were found (from top to bottom: sickle no. 1, no. 2 and no. 3). They were not accompanied by any pottery or other... |
Šálková, Tereza
Vobejda, Libor
Chvojka, Ondřej
Beneš, Jaromír
Vondrovský, Václav
Kuna, Martin
Křivánek, Roman
Menšík, Petr
Novák, Jan
Extensive archaeobotanical data estimate carrying capacity, duration, and land use of the Late Bronze Age settlement site Březnice (Czech Republic) The reconstruction of the settlement´s hinterland and acquisition of plant resources is one of the crucial questions in the field of environmental archaeology. Our study is focused on the reconstruction of the settlement’s structure and character of the environment from which the site... |
Heřmanová, Lada
Exkurz do symboliky novověké hrobové výbavy na příkladu nálezů devocionálií z výzkumu kostela sv. Michala v Libkovicích z let 2019 a 2020 The article deals with the findings of the sacraments, which were discovered during the rescue archaeological research of the church of St. Michael in Libkovice, which took place in 2019 and 2020. Various religious effects were often attributed to these sacraments. The interpretation... |
Šulista, Vojtěch
Preusz, Michal
Zaniklá ves Březová Lhota u Berouna The area of the defunct village of Březová Lhota was located in the cadastre of the village of Chrustenice. It is a village founded at the beginning of the 14th century and probably disappeared during the Thirty Years' War in the first half of the 17th century.... |
Lewis, Carenza
Londen, van Heleen
Marciniak, Arkadiusz
Vařeka, Pavel
Verspay, Johan
Exploring the impact of participative place-based community archaeology in rural Europe: Community archaeology in rural environments meeting societal challenges This paper reviews the aims, context, approach and early outcomes of a new transnational participative archaeology project focussed on rural village communities. ‘Community Archaeology in Rural Environments Meeting Societal Challenges’ (CARE-MSoC) includes three European countries where participative community&... |
Vařeka, Pavel
Mattová, Sabina
Netolický, Petr
Preusz, Michal
Komunitní archeologie na Plzeňsku. Výzkum v obci Myslinka (okr. Plzeň–sever) As part of the internal project "Community archeology in a rural environment - meeting social challenges" was the focus of archaeological research to the small village of Myslinka (plzeň-sever district). &... |
Hlásek, Daniel
Čapek, Ladislav
Světlík, Ivo
Hrad nebo pravěké hradiště? Stávající znalosti o lokalitě Velešín - Kamenná věž (okr. Český Krumlov) The article presents current knowledge pertaining to the multiperiod site of Velešín – Kamenná věž. It is situated on an elongated promontory separated from surrounding terrain by four transverse ditches and a prominent hillock. The site used to be regarded as a stronghold. Archaeo... |
Čechura, Martin
Menšík, Petr
Bláhová, Olga
Vatansever, Atilla
Ojedinělý nález knižní spony ze Soběslavi, okr. Tábor The subject of the paper is to inform about the new discovery of a book clip found using a metal detector on the outskirts of the town of Soběslav in the Tábor region. In addition to archaeological and historical evaluation, an element ana... |
Sýkora, Milan
Stavební podoba a historie hradu Nový Žeberk (okr. Chomutov) Nový Žeberk castle, possibly built by Otto from Bergov in 1321–1327, belongs to a group of liege castles of John of Bohemia. The castle, during the time of its existence, had been fulfilling all its functions including residential until it demised after 1454. The oldest&... |
Prekop, Filip
Crkal, Jiří
Černý, David
Krištuf, Petr
Peksa, Vojtěch
Nová zjištění průzkumu zakázané krajiny Doupovských hor – zaniklé středověké vesnice This contribution presents nine recently located archaeological sites in the Doupov Mountains (Doupovské hory), in the territory of the active military area of Hradiště, Karlovy Vary district. They were identified by means of the archaeological interpretation of anthropomorphic elements of a ... |
Kuna, Martin
Němcová, Andrea
Šálková, Tereza
Menšík, Petr
Chvojka, Ondřej
Deposition analysis and the hidden life of Bronze Age houses This paper deals with the application of deposition analysis to an unusual type of features in the Late Bronze Age settlements in Central Europe. These are long narrow trenches (referred to as ‘long pits’ in this text) with characteristic standard form and alignment, as well... |
Krištuf, Petr
Menšík, Petr
Stráník, Daniel
Tři ojedinělé bronzové nálezy z Kralovicka The aim of this article is to contribute to the knowledge of the Bronze Age around Kralovice in the northeastern part of Pilsen. |
Čapek, Ladislav
Militký, Jiří
Dřevěná konstrukce domu z Českých Budějovic z první poloviny 14. století This contribution analyses a uniquely preserved wooden structure uncovered during rescue archaeological research in a plot in Radniční Street 138/11, České Budějovice in 1993. The wooden structure was interpreted as a base of a timbered house built above the ground, located on a... |
Čapek, Ladislav
Orna, Jiří
Slavíček, Karel
Všianský, Dalibor
Medieval white fine-grained kaolinitic ceramics in the Czech lands in finds from Pilsen and České Budějovice In Czech and Central European archaeological literature, miniature vessels made of whitish, finegrained clay and sometimes decorated with red paint and lead glaze have long been of interest. They are considered imports, the provenance of which is assumed to be west of our borders.&... |
Lewis, Carenza
Vařeka, Pavel
Londen, van Hellen
Verspay, Johan
Marciniak, Arkadiusz
Kajda, Kornelia
Kobiałka, Dawid
Test Pit Excavation Within Currently Occupied Rural Settlements in the Czech Republic, Netherlands, Poland and UK – Results of the CARE Project 2020 The CARE project, ‘Community Archaeology in Rural Environments Meeting Societal Challenges’ (CARE- MSoC), is a four-nation research project carrying out archaeological test pit excavations within currently inhabited rural settlements of known or suspected medieval date. The project combines a number... |
Chvojka, Ondřej
Hlásek, Daniel
Fröhlich, Jiří
John, Jan
Král, Vlastimil
Krištuf, Petr
Menšík, Petr
Michálek, Jan
Pták, Martin
Rychlík, Martin
Šálková, Tereza
Ojedinělé nálezy kovových předmětů z doby bronzové dokumentované v jižních Čechách v letech 2017-2020 In the article, new isolated Bronze Age metal fi nds are published which have been documented in the territory of South Bohemia over the last about fi ve years and which have not been published anywhere else. These are 137 bronze or copper artefacts from 128 sites... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikační činnost / Publications
- Fakulta filozofická / Faculty of Philosophy and Art
- Katedra archeologie / Department of Archeology