Číslo 2 (2016) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Veselý, Štěpán
Dohnal, Mirko
Formalized qualitative modeling of online trust: introduction of the method and detailed example The paper presents a simple qualitative model of online trust in the context of e-commerce. Qualitative models use just three values: Positive/Increasing, Zero/Constant and Negative/ Decreasing. Such quantifiers of trends are the least information intensive. Qualitative models c... |
Svoboda, Milan
Stochastic model of short-term prediction of stock prices and its profitability in the czech stock market This paper deals with stochastic modelling and short time prediction of share price development in Czech stock market. The aim of this research is to create such models which can be used for creating automatic trading strategies that will beat the market. Reliabi... |
Šperka, Roman
Szarowská, Irena
Financial transaction taxation in agent-based simulation The aim of this paper is to investigate the impact of financial transaction taxes (FTTs) on the stability of financial markets. This paper presents an agent-based financial market model and simulations in which agents follow technical and fundamental trading&... |
Faraji Sabokbar, Hassanali
Hosseini, Ali
Banaitis, Audrius
Banaitiene, Nerija
A novel sorting method topsis-sort: an applicaiton for tehran environmental quality evaluation Many real-life problems are multi-objective by nature that requires evaluation of more than one criterion, therefore MCDM has become an important issue. In recent years, many MCDM methods have been developed; the existing approaches have been improved and extended. Multi c... |
Brunet-Thornton, Richard
Koža, Michal
Bureš, Vladimír
The Toyota production system: czech and nippon cultural perspectives This text focuses on the cultural relationships between Czech nationals employed at Japanese subsidiaries located in the Czech Republic. The paper analyses the possibilities of implementation of Toyota Production System within Japanese subsidiaries in Czech Republic. Moreover, it ... |
Krištofík, Peter
Lament, Marzanna
Musa, Hussam
The reporting of non-financial information and the rationale for its standardisation CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) is an important part of communication with stakeholders and a response to the need for non-financial reports. Regrettably, the rules of non-financial reporting are almost not regulated. CSR reports are drafted using a variety of principles&... |
Džupka, Peter
Šebová, Miriam
Local economic impact of the white night festival in Košice Košice is the second biggest city in Slovakia. In the last 25 years (following the period of Communism) Košice has passed through several waves of transformation involving economic, social and urban changes. Košice was awarded the European Capital of Culture (ECoC) in... |
Urbancová, Hana
Vnoučková, Lucie
Laboutková, Šárka
Knowledge transfer in a knowledge-based economy The knowledge economy currently presupposes that each organization manages its knowledge and in doing so intentionally endeavors to achieve a long-term competitive advantage. In other words the key source of success is no longer information as such, but the right knowledge... |
Mlaker Kac, Sonja
Gorenak, Irena
Potocan, Vojko
The influence of trust on collaborative relationships in supply chains In this paper we theoretically discuss and empirically examine the influence of trust on collaborative behavior in supply chain relationships. These concepts are very important in today’s inter- organizational business world, and therefore in supply chains. In theoretical part ... |
Deaconu, Adela
Crisan, Sorana
Buiga, Anuta
Value allocation: contribution and risk to the reliability of financial reporting Our study argues in favor of the reliability of fair value estimates for correct decision making by the stakeholders of the financial reporting market. The analysis is singularized to emergent contexts, as the Romanian market is the case study, and it is focused&... |
Štreimikienė, Dália
Mikalauskienė, Asta
Green growth and use of EU structural funds in Baltic states, Czech republic and Slovakia Green growth is resource-efficient, cleaner economic growth and more resilient growth without slowing it. “Green growth’’ not only affects the quality of growth, but overall production. In this case, growth results from the investment in the upgrading of the entire product... |
Grosu, Raluca Mariana
Dinu, Vasile
The migration process of Romanians to Andalusia, Spain: focus on socio-economic implications Based on a case study research carried out among Romanian immigrants in Andalusia, Spain, through this paper we aim to outline a wide image of the investigated migratory process. The focus is on the description of its fundamental characteristics and on its socio-... |
Zdražil, Pavel
Applová, Petra
Growth disparities among regions of the Visegrad group countries: an evidence of their extent and nature The deepening of regional disparities is an issue of increasing importance that has been systematically emphasized in the EU policy, especially since the process of “Eastern Integration” has started. The paper focuses on the Visegrad Group countries whose regions are less&... |
Šimsová, Jana
Reissová, Alice
How much will earn?: expectations versus reality When choosing a career, the issue of the following employment on the labour market and related level of the salary plays an important role. There are many studies which deal with the findings with respect to students’ expectations. The benefit of our ... |
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