Název: ComplexTrans – global land transportation system: the best way ahead for railways and roads is coherent cooperation, not the competition
Autoři: Hofman, Jiří
Čermák, Roman
Citace zdrojového dokumentu: HOFMAN, J.; ČERMÁK, R. ComplexTrans – global land transportation system: the best way ahead for railways and roads is coherent cooperation, not the competition: TRA 2020, Helsinki, Finlad, April 27-30 2020. [S. l.]: Travisions, 2020, s. 1-14..
Datum vydání: 2020
Nakladatel: Travisions
Typ dokumentu: konferenční příspěvek
URI: https://traconference.eu/
Klíčová slova: globální pozemní dopravní systém;silniční doprava;železniční doprava;dopravní řešení;snížení spotřeby;snížení CO2
Klíčová slova v dalším jazyce: global land transportation system;road transport;rail transport;transport solutions;consumption reduction;CO2 reduction
Abstrakt v dalším jazyce: The land-transportation cannot meet its demands anymore. Jammed highways and cities, dangerous emissions, omnipresent traffic accidents, delays, expensive railways. Solutions are being sought to transfer a large part of passenger- and especially freight-traffic to (high-speed) rail and the efforts are shifting towards electromobility, car-sharing, 5G-connectivity, autonomous ride, MaaS-transport-coordination or Hyperloop-type solutions. However, all these solutions have further problems and limitations. Solutions are not sought where they really exist - in the mutual adaptation of the road and rail vehicles and their deep cooperation. The ComplexTrans-project shows that simply adapting dimensions and functions of the road and rail vehicles can eliminate (or at least substantially reduce) all the problems of existing land transport. The main features of the ComplexTrans system are sufficient parking spaces, reduced traffic density inside and outside of the cities, electric-vehicles with unlimited range and cheaper than the standard cars, cheaper and affordable recharging of batteries, autonomous ride, self-financing rail-transport, transfer of intercity freight to rail, replacement of part of the continental air-transport and many others.
Práva: © Travisions
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