Název: Ekonomická aktivita obyvatel: Venkovský prostor ve 20. letech 20. století v Plzeňském a Jihočeském kraji
Další názvy: Economic activity of the population: rural area in the 1920s in the Plzeň and south bohemian regions
Autoři: Vorobljevová, Veronika
Novotná, Marie
Citace zdrojového dokumentu: VOROBLJEVOVÁ, V. NOVOTNÁ, M. Ekonomická aktivita obyvatel: Venkovský prostor ve 20. letech 20. století v Plzeňském a Jihočeském kraji. Historická geografie, 2021, roč. 47, č. 2, s. 165-203. ISSN: 0323-0988
Datum vydání: 2021
Nakladatel: Historický ústav AV ČR
Typ dokumentu: článek
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11025/47008
ISSN: 0323-0988
Klíčová slova: Census 1921, profession, economic activity, population, Blatná (judicial district), Nepomuk (judicial district), Rokycany (judicial district), Zbiroh (judicial district)
Klíčová slova v dalším jazyce: Census 1921, profession, economic activity, population, Blatná (judicial district), Nepomuk (judicial district), Rokycany (judicial district), Zbiroh (judicial district)
Abstrakt: The study deals with the analysis of economic activities of the population in rural areas in the 1920s. For the research was chosen a rural area on the periphery of the current Plzeň and South Bohemian regions, specifically the territory of 74 municipalities in the judicial districts of Blatná, Nepomuk, Zbiroh and Rokycany. Economic activity was evaluated on the basis of the analysis of occupations given in the census sheets of the 1921 census. The results of the census in the studied area are compared with the results in the whole republic, in Bohemia and in the regions.
Abstrakt v dalším jazyce: The study deals with the analysis of economic activities of the population in rural areas in the 1920s. For the research was chosen a rural area on the periphery of the current Plzeň and South Bohemian regions, specifically the territory of 74 municipalities in the judicial districts of Blatná, Nepomuk, Zbiroh and Rokycany. Economic activity was evaluated on the basis of the analysis of occupations given in the census sheets of the 1921 census. The results of the census in the studied area are compared with the results in the whole republic, in Bohemia and in the regions.
Práva: © autoři
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