Název: Environmental projects and the topic of sustainable development in education
Autoři: Kaňka, Jan
Panagiotakopoulos, C.
Krotký, Jan
Citace zdrojového dokumentu: KAŇKA, J. KROTKÝ, J. Environmental projects and the topic of sustainable development in education. In Panagiotakopoulos, C. 7o PANELLINIO SINEDRIO «ENTAXI KAI KHRISI TON TPE STIN EKPAIDITIKI DIADIKASIA». Patras: University of Patras, 2022. s. 1273-1277. ISBN: 978-618-83186-7-0 , ISSN: 2529-0924
Datum vydání: 2022
Nakladatel: University of Patras
Typ dokumentu: konferenční příspěvek
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11025/51732
ISBN: 978-618-83186-7-0
ISSN: 2529-0924
Klíčová slova v dalším jazyce: sustainable development;environmental education
Abstrakt v dalším jazyce: This work is partly a follow-up to the bachelor's thesis "Analysis of the Impact of the Energy Industry on the Environment", which was published in 2021 by Jan Kaňka. In the work we focus on the topic of the environment - environmental and the topic of sustainable development in education. The work defines what the environment and sustainable development are. Furthermore, in the work we can find a search for educational activities in formal and non-formal education in the Czech schools. Several activities are selected according to the difficulty for each grade. In order not to make the work comprehensive, we will identify a few key topics that seem to us to be the most important for our generation at the moment. The practical part is a proposal for new activities or innovative solutions, already devised and established activities in education. It is in this part that most will be drawn from the bachelors thesis of Jan Kaňka, in which the newly created pedagogical tools have already been described. For example, it is a board game that is the greatest contribution to easier understanding of the interconnectedness of topics between man and the environment around us.
Práva: © authors
Vyskytuje se v kolekcích:Konferenční příspěvky / Conference papers (KMT)

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