Naděje právní vědy 2022 Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Smolková, Simona
Dzimko, Jakub
Inštitút neodkladného opatrenia v civilnom procese The institution of an urgent measure is a rapid, efficient and effective instrument for protecting the personal rights of the claimant (in litigation proceedings) or the plaintiff (in non-contentious proceedings) whose subjective rights are violated or threatened. In the presen... |
Slovák, Martin
Blanketní stížnost proti usnesení o zahájení trestního řízení The paper on the topic of the blanket complaint against the decision to initiate a criminal prosecution will start with general knowledge about the indictment and the ordinary remedy that the complaint represents. A comparison of the current legislation with... |
Sležková, Anna
Přínos politické teorie Hannah Arendtové pro uchopení zákazu zpředmětnění člověka jako ústavněprávní kategorie: Na rozcestí mezi otázkou proporcionality a legitimity In its case-law, the Constitutional Court opened the way for a ban on the objecti fication of human beings in the Czech constitutional order. However, the actual content of this prohibition has remained unclear and its impact banal. It has become a call for&... |
Schwartzová, Aneta
K nicotnosti rozhodnutí orgánu obchodní korporace ve vztahu k rejstříkovému řízení, se zaměřením na vady notářského zápisu The contribution is focused on the issue of the nullity of the decision of the body of the business corporation in relation to the registry procedure. The author first defines the concept of nullity in general. It then focuses on the problematic aspects of the ... |
Rzymowski, Jakub
Právní konceptualismus jako obecná teorie práva a jako společný jmenovatel pro další teorie Legal conceptualism is my original theory that explains the validity of law and answers the question of what the law is. The theory is based on the theory of universals as defined by Aristotle and Piotr Abelard. In my considerations, I also use the... |
Rosůlek, Jan
Povinné pojištění jako možné řešení odpovědnosti za činnost autonomních strojů Today‘s regulation of liability for damage caused by an autonomous machine appears inadequate for the future. One of the variants discussed is the manda tory insurance of the autonomous machine. However, the question of who would be the person obliged to insure t... |
Rohr, Karel
Vývoj kriminality v letech 1961–1972 dle zpráv GP ČSSR a předsedy NS ČSSR pro zákonodárné sbory A telling source on the subject are the written reports of the chief public prosecutor and the president of the highest court from 1961 to 1972 on the state of socialist legality for the legislatures, which were discussed cyclically in these representative assemb... |
Ridzoň, Matúš
Poistenie zodpovednosti za škodu pri vykonávaní práce v špecifických platformách The paper deals with the issue of liability insurance for damage that arose when performing work in specific platforms. The author offers an overwiev of the presented issue after taking into account the general principles of the phe nomenon called the collaborative... |
Rampas, Jan
Vztah mezi nepoložením předběžné otázky Soudnímu dvoru Evropské unie a porušením práva na účinnou soudní ochranu v právu EU This article focuses on the evaluation of the current state of the EU regula tion of the responsibility of a member state for damage caused by the viola tion of the obligation to refer a preliminary question to the Court of Justice of the European Union&... |
Prudovič, Marek
Koncepcia spravodlivej vojny v sociálno-právnej filozofii This contribution is focused on a unique issue, which is the theory of just war, the gradual forming of which will be approached through an excursion of the opinions of four important theorists who historically shaped this theory. We also focused on q... |
Prnová, Jana
Nástroje právnej ochrany životného prostredia v prameňoch rímskeho práva This paper is dedicated to the environmental protection according to the rules of Roman law. Combining Roman and environmental law may seem con troversial, since the latter is regulated by the means of public law, and on the contrary, Roman private law is no... |
Poláček Tureková, Zlatica
Význam zákona č. 350/2022 z.z. v postavení zamestnancov The very meaning of Act No. 350/2022 Coll. lies not only in the fact that this act makes a major amendment to the Labor Code but mainly because this act also introduces new concepts such as paternity leave but also a change in the deliv... |
Pisarčíková, Dominika
Právo na prístup verejnosti k informáciám v prípravnom konaní The author deals with the issue of the right to information in general and spe cifically in relation to pre-trial proceedings in the pre-trial part of criminal pro ceedings. The paper contains a definition of the legal regulation of the right to information. Attention... |
Petríkoví, Lucia
Mobbing a šikanózne správanie v zamestnaní The aim of the article is to point out the serious problem of the current period, concretely the mobbing and bullying behaviour at work. In the framework of the article, there is the clarification of terms bullying and mobbing, with the reference on their... |
Pétiová, Veronika
Riešeniu problému nedostatku farárov v platnom kánonickom práve správou farností in solidum The Church is increasingly facing the problem of a shortage of priests, and there is the expectation that this problem will grow in the future. In some coun tries many parishes are already without a priest and this situation needs to be addressed.... |
Papež, Petr
Náhrada újmy v pracovněprávních vztazích Liability for damages is a special form of relationship where, on the basis of a violation of an already existing primary obligation, a secondary obligation – the obligation to compensate the damages – arises for the harming party. There is a considerable&... |
Ondrová, Júlia
Úradnik, Michal
Limity výkonu priamej demokracie formou referenda Democracy is created on the base of values and the people’s sovereignty realized by means of electing their deputies. Obviously, the institute of referendum is connected with the direct democracy execution, and besides that, its accomplishment signifies the level of the highly... |
Novotný, Jiří
Integrace kapitálových trhů prostřednictvím změny zákona o bankách This article deals with the amendment to the Act on Banks of the Czech Republic, which was adopted in connection with the implementation of the EU‘s goal of creating a capital markets union. The Capital Markets Union is a project of the Union to create&... |
Novotná, Marianna
Zodpovednosť za škodu spôsobenú zamestnancom trochu inak The paper deals with a very narrow and rather conceptually oriented scope of selected issues of liability for damage caused by an employee, while performing an activity for the employer or outside the framework of such activitito the employer, to another employee or to&... |
Nevická, Denisa
Rodový audit ako nástroj boja proti rozdieľom v odmeňovaní Islande a v Slovenskej republike The topic of gender audits in labor law is relatively heterogeneous in the Eu ropean states. While in Iceland, gender audits are a common part of labor law culture, in the Slovak Republic it is a new phenomenon that has no basis in legislation. In ... |
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