Roč.13, č. 2 (2023) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Fiřtová, Pavlína
MEKHENNETOVÁ, Suád. Řekli, abych přišla sama. Praha: NLN, 2018. 321 s. ISBN 978-80-7422-656-4. |
Panská, Natalie
Panská, Natálie
JAZBIK, Samar. Hlasy nezdolných žen. Praha: N media, 2022, 243 s. ISBN 978-80-88433-19-4. |
Kiliánová, Karolína
PARKOVÁ, Yeonmi, Abych přežila: můj útěk ze Severní Koreje. Praha: Argo, 2015, 305 s., ISBN 978- 80-257-1604-5. |
Söhner, Felicitas
“Aufarbeitung” – Contribution of Oral History in the Dealing with the Past Based on a growing interest in questions of memory, trauma and justice in Eu rope, this article addresses the issue of dealing with the past and eyewitness interviews. In the German language, this is often also described with the term “Aufarbeitung der Vergangenh... |
Juhász, Jiří
Poražení sametové revoluce – revoluce, transformace, nedůvěra This article is based on the research of a group, that can be called a losers of the Velvet Revolution and its consequent development. It is based on interviews with people, who feel like losers of the revolution and it aspires to describe this ... |
Drchotová, Johanka
Události 1. poloviny 20. století v Jemnici u Tisové / Events in the 1st half of the 20th century in Jemnice near Tisová This paper is focused on the modern history of the village Jemnice near Tisová in the Tachov district. We will focus primarily on the first half of the 20th century. This text is primarily focused on comparing collective memories, recent history with oral-histori... |
Kohoutová, Klara
Německá místa paměti jako memento transferu Němců z Brna Research on memory and its sites has transformed the study of history and over time has established itself in the scientific environment. In this paper we have applied No ra’s sites of memory concept, which is to some extent linked to the national frame work, ... |
Součková, Taťána
Orální historie připomínající, doplňující, hledající i léčivá |
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