Katedra energetických strojů a zařízení / Department of Power System Engineering
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Jouja, Lukáš
Optimalizace nastavení reverzního tepelného čerpadla vzduch-vzduch The diploma thesis contains a parametric calculation of the thermodynamic cycle of a reverse heat pump. It also deals with the study of the dependence of the heat output and the heating and cooling factor on the opening of the expansion valve and the volume flow of... |
Čutka, Vojtěch
Návrh inspekčního zařízení pro kontrolu svorníků hlavní dělící roviny reaktoru metodami UZ a vířivých proudů The thesis deals with the design of an equipment for inspection of VVER reactors main flange studs using ultrasonic and eddy current methods. Besides theoretical background the thesis focuses on the design of individual components like power screw mechanism or Eddy current arm. The... |
Pospíchal, Jan
Komplexní návrh systému ucpávkové páry a komínkové páry The diploma thesis focuses on the design of the gland and vent steam system of a steam turbine. The thesis aims at creating the necessary schematics for the piping, hydraulic, strength and elasticity design and creating a 3D model. |
Papež, Luděk
CFD výpočet difuzoru tunelové větrné turbíny The bachelor's thesis deals with air flow around two shape concepts of diffusers and examines the influence of the shape of the diffuser on the increase in air flow speed. A CFD calculation of the flow simulation is performed for one diffuser without a flange, for... |
Sýkora, Jaroslav
Hluk turbínových spojek The bachelor thesis focuses on the topic of turbine coupling noise. The introduction of the thesis provides theoretical knowledge about the physical properties of sound. Furthermore, the thesis includes a description of the experiment and the evaluation of the measured data. Finally, it... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta strojní / Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
- 112 bakalářská práce
- 106 diplomová práce
- 53 2020 - 2024
- 165 2012 - 2019
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