Číslo 2 (2015)
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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 9 of 9
Šedivý, Miroslav
Italy in the european states system of the pre-march period: some reflections
Marengo, Alessandro
ZACHAR Péter Krisztián. Gazdasági válságok, társadalmi feszültségek, modern válaszkísérletek Európában a két világháború között Budapest: L’Harmattan, 2014. ISBN 978-963-236-955-6, 348 pages
Koudela, Pál
Civic gentry in Sáros county in the 19th–20th century: the history of Hazslinyszky family, part II.
Kodet, Roman
Great Britain and China 1908–1909
Kočvar, Jan
Germany and the boxer uprising in China
Knorring, Marc von
Bismarcks Entlassung als Anfang vom Ende? Der Bismarck-Mythos in Autobiographien derWeimarer Republik und des frühen „Dritten Reiches“
Kilián, Jan
Die Einwohnerschaft in Bergreichenstein zur Zeit des Dreißigjährigen Krieges
Chvojka, Michal
“Whose realm, his law”: the austrian repression of italian nationalist movement under the reign of Francis I (1815–1835)
Gulyás, László
Csüllög, Gábor
History of Kosovo from the first Balkan war to the end of world war II (1912–1945)
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 9 of 9