Proceedings of the intensive programme 2007 Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Gerbeth, Anja
Gemende, Bernhard
Krautheim, Gunter
Pröter, Jürgen
Bresinsky, Andreas von
Lange, Rüdiger
Versuche zur Vergärung von dünnflüssigen, eiweißrei chen Substraten unter Nu tzung der ASBR-Technologie |
Pausch, Nicole
Gemende, Bernhard
Müller, Hardy
Veit, Michael
Hofmann, Jörg
Freier, Ute
König, Katja
Leiker, Matthias
Voruntersuchungen zu Materialeigenschaften von unbehandelten und chemisch modifizierten Naturfasermaterialien für die Herstellung einer Ionenaustausch-Filterpatrone |
Schnabel, Hans-Dieter
Basel, Tobias
Gemende, Bernhard
Gerbeth, Anja
Spiegel, Jana
Microbial fuel cells overview and first simple experiments |
Medveď, Dušan
Hvizdoš, Marek
Accumulation of thermal energy This paper deals with accumulation and storing of thermal energy, such as in phase change materials and chemical reactions, sensible thermal energy storage i.e. water tanks and underground thermal energy storage. |
Vargončík, Michal
Waste vegetable oil as a diesel replacement fuel Waste oils and fats can be used as renewable fuel resources. Conversion of waste oils and fats to biodiesel fuel is one possibility but poses some difficulties such as in the use of toxic or caustic materials and by product disposal. Conversion to biodiesel may... |
Bánes, Miroslav
Kolcunová, Iraida
Energy from the sun This paper deals with the useful of energy from the sun. This paper described produce of electrical energy with parabolic trough collectors and dish/engine systems and power towers and last chapter is conclusion. |
Hlubeň, Daniel
Beňa, Ľubomír
Energy performance of buildings The paper entitled “Energy performance of buildings” deals with the new standard prEN 15 193. The main goal of this standard is to assess energy consumption of lighting in a building and minimize energy consumption of lighting. |
Zvolenský, Eduard
Biomass utilisation for electric power generation This paper gives a proper overview on various possibilities for power generation from biomass in smallscale. One should note that the concept power generation from biomass in the article refers straight to combined heat and power (CHP) production based on biomass. |
Hlubeň, Daniel
Electric energy losses calculation This paper entitled “Electric energy losses calculation” deals with the problem of the losses calculation in the Slovak Republic, the Czech Republic, Poland and Hungary. At the end of article are shown possibilities in the energy losses, costs and services minimisation. |
Semančík, Peter
Kovaľ, František
Solar dish engine This paper deals with the use dish/engine systems. This paper described use Stirling cycle engines and Brayton cycle engines. |
Lizák, František
Kanálik, Martin
Hydroelectric power and losses run-off The development and deployment of renewable energy technologies are important components for the future of a balanced global energy economy. The aim of this article is to provide an accessible scientific facts of hydroelectric power. In article is description of energy conversion... |
Škorpil, Jan
Application of the PV generators in the Czech republic and their perspective In previous periods, the photovoltaic generator installation numbers were limited by the very high installation costs. Now is great press on the environment protection in order the emission of the classic fossil fuels should be reduce and therefore the higher utilization of the ren... |
Rajský, František
Preventing faults in a distribution network The human factor is one of the main elements which can cause a fault in a distribution network. If we need a distribution network without any fault, we must improve the knowledge and skills of workers in any distribution system. The knowledge can be improved during l... |
Kurscheid, Eva Marie
Description of the required positive tertiary reserve energy Transmission system operators need tertiary reserve to guarantee reliable grid operation. The used tertiary reserve energy varies stochastically. For a more detailed description, analysing the used tertiary reserve energy values is necessary. Based on this analysis, new modelling options&... |
Lukášek, Jan
Škorpil, Jan
Wind power energy: interaction of the atmosphere with the environment The objective of this paper is to sketch, in a general context, influences on construction of wind power plants and problems associated with them when choosing the right area for their construction. |
Noháčová, Lucie
Produktion der elektrischen energie vom seawind auch für die Tschechische republik möglich This article talks about current situation of renewable energy resources in the sea area from the point of view of wind energy. The possibility of utilization of sea wind energy for electric generation is known. But the possibility supply with thouse energy also the Czech ... |
Bělík, Milan
Silicon for solar cells: availability, production and price progress The usage of solar cells is growing up, but the availability of pure silicon – the main element of cells is almost stagnating. This article describes the situation on the silicon market and evolutions in behaviour of the leading companies. |
Ščerba, Eduard
Škorpil, Jan
Biomass as a traditional and local source of energy in Czech republic Biomass it the oldest used fuel of the mankind (approximately 40 000years) and still today it is important worldwide source of the energy. Its proportion on the world energetic balance according to up to date source is around 16%. The highest proportion of the biomass usa... |
Rieger, David
Kolros, Antonín
Residual radioactivity in food samples after accident in Chernobyl In this paper, are described measurement and data evaluation of environment samples collected after Chernobyl's accident. This samples was measured with technique of gamma spectrometry in cooperation with Department of Nuclear Reactors on FJFI ČVUT. Important part of this work is&... |
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- Proceedings of the intensive programme
- 19 2007