Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KOS) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 141 až 160 z 1089
Berglová, Ivana
Vývoj kompetencí všeobecné sestry při péči o pacienta na umělé plicní ventilaci.

The bachelor's thesis deals with the development of the general nurse's competencies in the care of a patient on artificial lung ventilation. The theoretical part deals with basic concepts, the historical development of general nurse competencies from 2004 to 2022. It also deals...

Kmetíková, Kristýna
Ošetřovatelská péče o ženu s karcinomem prsu

This theoretical bachelor thesis is focused on nursing care about women with breast cancer. We focused to search and analyze data. The aim of this bachelor's thesis was using the searched relevant data to summarize the possibilities of consultation for women with breast cancer&...

Matysová, Denisa
Ošetřovatelská péče o ženu s karcinomem děložního hrdla

The topic of the bachelor thesis is dedicated to the nursing care of a woman with cervical cancer. The first chapter depicts precancers, types of malignant tumours, risk and protective factors that influence the development of the disease. The next chapter deals with diagnostic,&#x...

Sikorová, Nikola
Porodní asistentka v roli laktační poradkyně

This bachelor thesis is focused on lactation counseling and related matters. The qualification work is divided into two parts, the theoretical part and the practical part. The key topics described in the theoretical part include: the anatomy and physiology of breastfeeding, lactation co...

Nezvalová, Michaela
Současné trendy v hojení dekubitů.

This bachelor's thesis is focused on the issue of current trends in the healing of pressure ulcers within nursing care. We decided to develop our work as an overview study. We fo-cused on the search and subsequent comparison of published professional sourcesinvolving this issue...

Loosová, Adéla
Hodnocení bolesti u dětí

This bachelor´s thesis is an overview study of available and searchable information regarding the issue of measuring and evaluating pain in childer of different age groups. It forms a synthesis of knowledge about the diagnosis and assessment of pain based on its new definition....

Slaná, Kateřina
Problematika pádů seniorů

The qualification thesis on the subject of falls in the elderly was focused on measures to prevent falls and the effectiveness of preventive anti-fall programs for institutionalized se niors in facilities providing health care. In our qualification thesis, we focused on preventiv...

Rímešová, Terezie
Stresová inkontinence

This bachelor's thesis deals with the topic of stress incontinence. The work consists of two parts-theoretical and practical. In the theoretical part, the origin and development of the urinary system, the anatomy of the urinary tract, and the pelvic floor are briefly described ...

Nováková, Sarah
Kontracepční metody a jejich znalost u žen ve fertilním věku

The bachelor thesis is focused on contraceptive methods and awareness of them among women in childbearing age. The work contains a brief description of the internal ge-nital organs and their functions. In the next part, the work deals with the ovarian and men-strual cycle, the...

Kodešová, Kristýna
Názory žen na interrupci

This thesis deals with the issue of induced abortion. The theoretical part is divided into two chapters. The first of these deals with abortion in general. It describes the definition of abortion, classification of abortion, abortion methods, Czech laws dealing with abortion and po...

Chalupová, Petra
Syndrom chronického srdečního selhání z hlediska ošetřovatelské péče

The topic of this thesis is Chronic Heart Failure Syndrome from the perspective of nursing care. Within this topic, we specifically address cardiac decompensation in people with CHFS, which is the focus of our research. The theoretical starting points have been ...

Rego, Olga
Specifika ošetřovatelské péče o seniory s demencí

This thesis is focused on the experiences of general nurses dealing with manifestations of problematic behaviour in the care of elderly people with dementia. The thesis is divided into a theoretical and practical part. In the individual chapters of the theoretical part, the problem...

Krepindelová, Petra
Ošetřovatelská péče o nemocné s embolií plicnice

The bachelor's thesis deals with the issue of nursing documentation and its management in patients with a diagnosis of pulmonary embolism. Describes the clinical picture, diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary embolism. Dedicated to safe care and assessment scales in nursing.

Marečková, Petra
Specifika ošetřovatelské péče u pacientů s Crohnovou chorobou podstupující biologickou léčbu

The title of thesis is specifics of nursing work with patients who have Crohn's disease with biological treatment. The first theoretical part focuses on Crohn's disease, characteristics, causes, symptoms, diagnosis and therapy. The second part is devoted to biological treatment. The ...

Berka, Miroslav
Ošetřovatelské péče o pacienta po radikální nefrektomii pro karcinom ledviny

The present bachelor thesis focuses on the description of patient's experiences with hospitalization they underwent in the framework of radical nephrectomy surgery for renal cancer. The first part of the thesis is devoted to the theoretical background of the issue and in its co...

Janecká, Tímea
Péče o chronické rány u pacientů s diabetes mellitus

The bachelor's thesis is devoted to the topic of care for chronic wounds in a patient with diabetes mellitus, a specific area of prevention. Prevention is considered key in the problem of chronic wounds in patients with diabetes. This work tries to map, analyze and in...

Choltová, Lenka
Vnímání sestry pohledem pacientů

In this thesis, we dealt with the issue of how patients perceive the appearance of the nurses. The theoretical part deals with basic theoretical knowledge in nursing, such as concept of nursing and the role of the nurse herself. It also summarizes theoretical knowledge about&#...

Loukotová, Karolína
Těhotenství s diagnostikovanou vrozenou vývojovou vadou plodu a péče porodní asistentky

This bachelor's thesis remains an issue related to the diagnosis of congenital malformations of the fetus. The work is focused on the psyche and experience of women who were diagnosed with a congenital malformation of the fetus during pregnancy. The theoretical part is focused&...

Vandrovcová, Lucie
Dárcovství krve

The bachelor thesis was created on the basis of the general belief that there are few voluntary blood donors in the Czech Republic and the number of donors is still decreasing. This leads to situations where blood warehouses are almost empty and the transfus...

Plchová, Anna
Ošetřovatelská péče u pacienta po kardiopulmonální resuscitaci

The subject of this bachelor thesis is nursing care of a patient after cardiopulmonary resuscitation. The theoretical part is focused on introducing cardiopulmonary resuscitation and it further deals mainly with patient care after cardiopulmonary resuscitation. The final part of the theoretical&#...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 141 až 160 z 1089