Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KOS) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 61 až 80 z 1089
Holanová, Michaela
Sestra v roli neformální pečující

This bachelor thesis focuses on the issue of nurses in the role of informal carers. It explores the role conflict between the personal and professional lives of general nurses as informal carers that they inevitably face. The theoretical part is devoted to informal caregiving, ...

Hanušová, Štěpánka
Sebehodnocení studujících v rámci odborné praxe.

This bachelor thesis deals with the issue of self-assessment of the nursing students in clinical experience. Our work is designed as review study and focuses on mapping and summarizing self-assessment tools available to students for self-assessment in clinical experience and what significanc...

Čermáková, Klára
Vedení ošetřovatelské dokumentace na lůžkách následné péče

This bachelor thesis focuses on the management of nursing documentation in aftercare department. The theoretical part describes the health documentation as a whole, then the nursing documentation, the management of documentation, the aftercare department and audit. The theoretical outcomes are,&...

Fialová, Anna
Zkušenosti žen s recidivujícími záněty močového měchýře před a po intravezikální aplikaci kyseliny hyaluronové

The bachelor thesis investigates the experience of women with recurrent bladder inflammation before and after intravesical application of hyaluronic acid. It focuses on the limitations, symptoms and regimens women experienced before and during treatment of recurrent infections with intravesical hyalur...

Frantálová, Tereza
Kvalita života související se zdravím z pohledu ošetřovatelství

This bachelor thesis focuses on health-related quality of life from a nursing perspective. The theoretical part is focused on the perception of the topic of health-related quality of life in the field of nursing. In this thesis, we present quality of life itself with all ...

Beštová, Kateřina
Zkušenosti všeobecných sester s ošetřováním pacientů s Huntingtonovou chorobou

The Bachelor's thesis examines general nurses' experience in caring for patients with Huntington's disease in its standard, juvenile and late-onset forms. It focuses on the behaviour of patients and specific nursing care. The theoretical part focuses on describing the etiopatho...

Bartošová, Adéla
Překážky v zapojení pacienta do bezpečné zdravotní péče

This bachelors thesis was written as an overview review on the topic of Barriers to patient involvement in safe health care. This thesis outlines the general importance of patient invol vement and healthcare delivery with regard to patient safety. The main part of the thesis&#...

Vítovcová, Andrea
Problémy neslyšících pacientů při poskytování ošetřovatelské péče

The presented bachelor thesis was prepared as a review study on the topic Problems of deaf patients in the provision of nursing care. For this thesis, findings from professional sources were searched in several databases and then summarized. The results were organized into&#...

Bernhardová, Adéla
Role sestry v prevenci a léčbě pacientů s osteoporózou

The bachelor thesis is focused on the role of the nurse in the prevention and treatment of patients with osteoporosis. The most relevant methods and tools of educational interventions in the field of prevention and treatment used by the nurse in patients with osteoporosis were...

Zálešáková, Alžběta
Edukace nemocných se srdeční arytmií

This bachelor's thesis is devoted to current knowledge in the field of education of patients with cardiac arrhythmia. The educational needs and experiences of patients with their illness were mapped and effective forms of the educational process were described. The advantages and di...

Desortová, Anna
Paliativní péče pohledem sester

The bachelor's thesis deals with palliative care from the perspective of nurses, analyzes their experience and feelings. Thesis is focused on the factors influencing the feelings of nurse in palliative care and on the attitude of nurses towards psychosocial support.

Doricová, Darina
Psychoedukační programy pro pacienty po cévní mozkové příhodě

This bachelor's thesis focuses on psychoeducational programmes for patients who have suffered a stroke. The theoretical work is focused on the description of stroke and the impact of this disease on the quality of life. It also discusses the content of psychoeducational programs...

Pechlátová, Veronika
Režimová opatření u pacientů s farmakorezistentní epilepsií.

The bachelor thesis "Regime measures in patients with pharmacoresistant epilepsy" deals with the subjective perception of patients with pharmacoresistant epilepsy. The bachelor thesis is divided into a theoretical and a practical part. The theoretical part is devoted to the theoretical ...

Hrubá, Denisa
Historie kardiostimulátoru a jeho vývoj do současnosti

The bachelor thesis deals with a summary of the most important milestones that occurred in the development of the pacemaker and who and how participated in it. The thesis is divi-ded into several chapters that we felt were appropriate to introduce the subject. The deve-lopment...

Pudilová, Sára
Kvalita života pacientů s litiázou v močových cestách se zavedeným ureterálním stentem.

The subject of the bachelor thesis is the quality of life of patients with urinary lithiasis with an inserted ureteral stent. The thesis is divided into two parts. The theoretical part is focused on the description of the anatomy and physiology of the urinary system and&#...

Humešová, Tereza
Infekce močových cest u dětí z pohledu ošetřovatelské péče

The aim of this theoretical bachelor's thesis is to analyze from available published sources information regarding effective procedures in case of urinary tract infection in children. Detailed information on urinary tract infection in children is presented in the overview text of the...

Votavová, Jana
Vývoj ošetřovatelské péče o pacienta s peritoneální dialýzou

The bachelor´s thesis is treated as a historical-comparative one. It is a theoretical bachelor thesis whose main aim is to provide an overview of the development of nursing care for peritoneal dialysis patients. It charts the development of the general nurse's com-petences in n...

Nečasová, Lucie
Rizikové faktory pro vznik muskuloskeletální poruchy u sester

Bachelor thesis was written like a literature review of risk factors which influence an origin of musculoskeletal disorders which relate to work of general nurses. The musculoskeletal disorders are one of the main causes of health problems arising in connection with a performance o...

Fialová, Adéla
Alergenová imunoterapie z pohledu všeobecné sestry

The bachelor's thesis focuses on allergen immunotherapy from the nurse's point of view. In the theoretical part I deal with allergies, diagnostic methods and therapy options. In the next part I describe allergen immunotherapy, explaining its indications, contraindications, possibilities of...

Kolafová, Lucie
Potřeba spánku a odpočinku u pacientů hospitalizovaných na standardních odděleních

The bachelor thesis on the topic "The need for sleep and rest in patients hospitalized in a standard unit" is structured into theoretical and practical parts. In the theoretical part, the thesis discusses the current state of the studied issue, including a description of&...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 61 až 80 z 1089