Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KOS) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 41 až 60 z 1089
Kouklová, Kateřina
Problematika neplodnosti a asistované reprodukce

The bachelor thesis is focused on the experience of a woman undergoing the pro-cess of assisted reproduction. It is divided into a theoretical and a practical part. The theo-retical part is divided into three chapters. The first one focuses on infertility, its causes, diagnosis,&#x...

Letová, Kristýna
Endometrióza a její vliv na život ženy

The bachelor thesis focuses on a chronic disease of women called endometriosis. The main aim of this thesis was to find out how endometriosis affects a woman's life quality. The theoretical part consists of 3 chapters, which summarise general information about endometriosis and ...

Schreiber, Romana
Edukace dospívajících dívek o menstruaci

This bachelor thesis deals with educating adolescent girls about menstruation. Since menstruation is an important part of a woman's life, the main aim was to focus on the awareness of adolescent girls about menstruation and the menstrual cycle. In the theoretical part, three to...

Peštová, Marie
Problematika alternativní výživy v těhotenství a při kojení

This banchelor thesis focuses on alternative nutrition during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is divided into a theoretical and a practical part. The theoretical part of the thesis deals with ordinary nutrition, nutrition during pregnancy and breastfeeding, and alternative nutrition. The practica...

Nádvorníková, Karolína
Postavení a role muže u porodu

The bachelor thesis deals with the position and role of the man in childbirth. The aim of the investigation is to find out how men experience childbirth. It looks at the new situations that modern times bring for new fathers and their attitudes and experiences in the...

Čermáková, Jana
Sexuální výchova mládeže

This thesis deals with youth sex education. The main aim of the thesis was to find out whether the youth is informed in the field of sex education. The theoretical part inc-ludes a general summary of the content and objectives of sex education. One of the chapters&#x...

Fabiánová, Marie
Porodní asistence v České republice a Rakousku

The bachelor thesis deals with midwifery in the Czech Republic and Austria. The thesis is divided into theoretical and practical parts. The theoretical part describes the histo- rical influence on the formation of the field of midwifery, the current education and the im- portance&#...

Bradová, Barbora
Spánek novorozenců a kojenců

This bachelor thesis focuses on the sleep of newborns and infants. The theoretical part of the thesis discusses the general functioning of sleep and defines key concepts associated with this topic. Subsequently, it focuses on the specifics of sleep in the newborn and infant ag...

Denková, Lucie
Péče porodní asistentky o ženu při porodu císařským řezem

The bachelor's thesis focuses on women's awareness of cesarean delivery before, during and after delivery and what supportive interventions are provided by health professionals. Through a questionnaire survey, we found that midwives' care of women during caesarean delivery is o...

Härtelová, Lucie
Postoj k profesi porodní asistentky

The bachelor thesis comprehensively describes the profession of midwife and is di-vided into theoretical and practical parts. The theoretical part deals with the development of the midwifery profession throughout history, the thesis describes the current setting of mid-wifery studies and the ...

Kůsová, Klára
Metoda krátkých intervencí a její využití v ošetřovatelské praxi

This bachelor thesis deals with the method of brief interventions and its use in nursing practice. In this thesis we focus on brief interventions in general, where they can be used or what are their starting points. The second part of this thesis summarises data from ...

Kučerová, Barbora
Role sestry v péči o pacienty po gastrektomii

This bachelor thesis focuses on the roles of nurses who provide nursing care to pa-tients after gastrectomy, i.e. after gastric surgery when the stomach is removed. The first chapter focuses on the anatomy and physiology of the stomach. The second chapter focuses on gastrectomy...

Krsová, Lucie
Edukace rodinných příslušníků pečujících o pacienta s Alzheimerovou chorobou v domácím prostředí

Alzheimer's disease is a serious disease that affects the entire personality of the affected person, as it affects cognitive functions. Education is a very important part of successfully providing home care for a family member with Alzheimer's disease. My goal is compare the...

Kindelmannová, Nikola
Kvalita života pacienta s ulcerózní kolitidou

The bachelor thesis evaluates the quality of life of individuals with ulcerative colitis (UC). The theoretical part addresses UC from etiology to therapy and complications, and further analyzes the quality of life in various categories. In the practical part, the WHOQOL-BREF...

Hrochová, Šárka
Edukace u pacientů se srdečním selháním

This bachelor thesis deals with education in patients with heart failure, especially educational methods and their influence on promoting adherence to treatment in patients with heart failure. In this thesis, we focused on three educational methods, namely the teach-back method, nurse-led ed...

Hynková, Lucie
Hodnotící a měřící nástroje pro diagnostiku potřeb pacientů s tělesným znevýhodněním

This bachelor thesis deals with assessment and measurement tools for diagnosing the needs of patients with physical disabilities. The bachelor thesis is developed as a theoretical work. Firstly, studies that are related to the topic of assessment and measurement scales for physically di...

Klimtová, Karolína
Kvalita života pacientů po transplantaci kostní dřeně

This bachelor thesis deals with the evaluation of the quality of life of patients after bone marrow transplantation. It is a review study describing the available methods of quality of life assessment in patients after bone marrow transplantation. In addition, this bachelor thesis ...

Jonáková, Sára
Ošetřování maligních ran

This bachelor thesis deals with the treatment of malignant wounds. The theoretical work focuses on searching and comparing data from professional books, articles, publications dealing with the topic of malignant wound care. The beginning of the thesis presents gene-ral information that intro...

Heřmanová, Adéla
Kvalita života pacienta s gonartrózou

The bachelor's thesis on the topic "Quality of Life of Patients with Gonarthrosis" consists of a theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part is made up of two chapters. The first chapter deals with the issue of quality of life in a general concept, and&#...

Hadinec, Veronica Joe
Ošetřovatelská péče o pacienty se syndromem geriatrické křehkosti

This bachelor's thesis focuses on current findings in the field of nursing care for patients with geriatric frailty syndrome. It is a theoretical work that provides an overview of information on this issue. The thesis analyzes studies dealing with interventions in the field of&...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 41 až 60 z 1089