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Pavelka, Jaroslav
CRISPR: Nová kapitola do učebnic biologie pro střední školy The article appeals to secondary school lecturers to include some information about current surveys that are likely to affect most of the population. Molecular genetics seems to have revolutionized, and a students and lecturers should work with current trends. We describe trusted... |
Stacke, Václav
Vočadlová, Klára
Reichert, Radek
Lze žákům zeměpisu pomoci k lepším výkonům změnou řazení testových úloh? – případová studie na studentech Lauderových škol Designing test is an important tool for assessing pupils understanding and evaluating of their learning competencies. There are many different testing methods and different types of examination ... |
Trahorsch, Petr
Jak žáci hodnotí hospodářské mapy ve školních atlasech? Economic-geographical maps are an important structural component of school atlases. Their quality is criticized by teachers and experts (cartographers) for unreadability, overcrowding and inadequacy of the content maps of ... |
Vágnerová, Petra
Benediktová, Lenka
Kout, Jiří
Kritická místa ve výuce přírodopisu na základní škole The concept of critical issues has become one of the focal points of research under the project Didactics - Man and Nature A. This preliminary article deals with defining of the crucial terms of the project, outlines the research design, and ... |
Duffek, Václav
Pluháčová, Markéta
Stacke, Václav
Kritická místa ve výuce zeměpisu na ZŠ – úvod, stanovení terminologie a metodický postup jejich zjišťování This paper is an introduction into the topic of finding and resolving critical spots of geography’s curriculum in lower-secondary schools. We summarise the historical development of Czech didactics of&... |
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