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Poslední příspěvky
Pauly, Jan
Hromada, Miroslav
Životní jubileum doc. Jarmily Pavlátové |
Vladár, Vojtech
Za profesorom Peterom Blahom |
Knoll, Vilém
Životní jubileum prof. Karoliny Adamové |
Šturma, Pavel
Budoucnost investiční arbitráže po rozsudku Achmea? The article comments – in a broader context – on the judgment of the Court of Justice of the EU of 6 March 2018 in case Achmea, in particular from the point of view of international law governing investment protection and investor-State dispute settlement (ISDS). In view&... |
Wrzyszcz, Andrzej
Distinctiveness of the politico-administrative system of the Chełm Ggvernorate (1912–1915) When assessing the legislation regarding the separation of the Chełm Governorate in legal and political terms, it seems evident that these law were prepared for political, ethnic and religious reasons in a chaotic, provisional manner. The legislature apparently ran out of time to&... |
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Datum vydání
- 11 2018