Číslo 2 (2017) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Tomášek, Michal
Výkladové paralely v pracovněprávních vztazích mezi EU a zeměmi Dálného východu Evasion of established legal terms and notions in order to escape from implementation field of legal norms seems to be a big problem. In particular in connection with protecting weaker side of legal relationship, like in consumer protection or labor relations. EU as well as... |
Hurdík, Jan
Prolínání kategorií základních (ústavních) práv a zásad soukromého práva This paper is focused on the implications of the process which takes place both at the EU level and at the national level of EU Member States, which is generally called as constitutionalization of private law, respectively as horizontal impact of fundamental rights, res... |
Hrdina, Ignác Antonín
Kanonické právo a kultura This paper examines the relation of canon law and culture in three meanings analogous to the division outlined by Viktor Knapp in his Theory of Law. Thus, the paper deals with canon law as part of the continental legal culture (legal style), then with the culture of&... |
Dvořák, Tomáš
Založení a vznik společenství vlastníků jednotek po rekodifikaci soukromého práva: mnoho problémů a málo uspokojivých odpovědí This paper deals with the issue of the establishment and formation of a unit owners‘ association under Act No. 89/2012 Coll., The Civil Code. The Attention is paid, in particular, to the issues raised by the new legislation, with particular reference to the previously pub... |
Císařová, Dagmar
Hořák, Jaromír
Problematika totožnosti skutku The article deals with the criminal-law concept of an act, the principle of preserving the identity of an act in criminal proceedings, and the issue of continued criminal offence. It provides an analysis of the expert opinions applied in the Czechoslovak legal doctrine from th... |
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