Číslo 2 (2019) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Burišková, Klára
Rogalewicz, Vladimir
Ošťádal, Petr
Cost-effectiveness of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in resuscitation of patients with refractory cardiac arrest Extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation (ECPR) has been recently introduced as a therapeutic option for refractory cardiac arrest. Despite growing evidence demonstrating improved survival rate, a number of questions remains unanswered and data on cost-effectiveness are still insuffi cient. ... |
Seres, Laslo
Tumbas, Pere
Matkovic, Predrag
Sakal, Marton
Critical success factors in ERP system adoption: comparative analysis of the private and the public sector This research provides useful insight into differences in the perception of signifi cance and the degree of fulfi llment of Critical Success Factors (CSFs) of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) adoption between private and public sector organizations. The survey was conducted on a sampl... |
Matošková, Jana
Why employees share their knowledge Sharing knowledge among employees reduces the risk of losing unique knowledge, contributes to higher productivity and to higher quality, to better problem-solving, to reducing costs, and to organizational innovativeness. Knowledge sharing is driven by employee motivation for it. Nevertheless, motivati... |
Jarošová, Eva
Noskievičová, Darja
Comparative statistical analysis of selected control charts for highly capable processes When a high-quality process is to be controlled by 100% inspection and yes-no decision is employed, several types of charts come into account, e.g. CCC, CCC-r or geometric CUSUM (CCC-CUSUM). The aim of the paper is to examine performance of these charts so that a suitable... |
Rašić Bakarić, Ivana
Bačić, Katarina
Slijepčević, Sunčana
City specialisation and diversification in South East Europe (SEE) countries The main objective of the paper is to study the role of localisation and the urbanisation (or diversifi cation) economies in urban post-transition SEE, by constructing and analysing manufacturing specialisation and diversifi cation measures over the period 2006-2013. The second objective of&... |
Šafár, Leoš
Siničáková, Marianna
Quantitative easing effects on equity markets: event study evidence from the US In this paper we examine effects of the QE related statements made by the FED on major equity indices in the US. We consider days, when announcements had been made, as events for the event-study. We approach this methodology with aim to calculate excess returns on pa... |
Mazurek, Jiří
Mielcová, Elena
On the relationship between selected-socio-economic indicators and student performances in the PISA 2015 study The main aim of this paper was to examine the relationship between the PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) international study results of 15 and 16 years-old pupils from 2015 and a set of socio-economic indicators (on a national level) such as governments’ expendi... |
Palaščáková, Daniela
Koľveková, Gabriela
Melas, Dávid
Analysis fo state investments into human capital in Slovak republic This article is focused on state or government investment into human capital and on investments into universities, which are supposed to lead to an increase in wages of individuals after fi nishing such education. That part of income of graduates which is exceeding incomes of&... |
Hedvičáková, Martina
Král, Martin
Benefits of KPIS for industry sector evaluation: the case study from the Czech republic Currently, there is a fourth Industrial Revolution known as Industry 4.0. This industrialization is characterized by structural changes in the substitution of labour by new technologies and capital. The paper focuses on the industrial sector, which is dominant in the Czech Republic and&... |
Lesáková, Ľubica
Ondrušová, Andrea
Vinczeová, Miroslava
Factors determining profitability of small and medium enterprises in selected industry of mechanical engineering in the Slovak republic: the empirical study The profi tability analysis revealing factors infl uencing profi tability becomes a very helpful tool providing guidelines for managers in their short-term as well as strategic decision-making process. To take right decisions, managers need to analyse their fi nancial situation, especially i... |
Egerová, Dana
Nosková, Marta
Top management team composition and financial performance: examining the role of gender diversity Despite the growing research on the effect of top management team gender diversity on company fi nancial performance, the results remain inconclusive. The theoretical framework guiding this study includes the upper echelons theory and critical mass theory. Under the upper echelons theory... |
Łapińska, Justyna
Meluzínová, Jana
Uhman, Jiří
Country-specific determinants of intra-industry trade in pharmaceuticals: the case of Poland and its European union partners Trade cooperation between European Union countries is based mainly on intra-industry trade, consisting in the simultaneous import and export of similar products belonging to the same industry (commodity group). The present study has investigated the country-specifi c determinants of intra-industry... |
Chen, Yufen
Jin, Huanhuan
Chen, Chao
Zhang, Chonghui
Financing selection method in discipline evaluation using a weighted induced model The selection of a suitable fi nancing alternative involves multifarious attributes that should be assessed to provide a basis foundation for decision-making. As an effective generation of intuitionistic fuzzy set and linguistic term, the intuitionistic linguistic set (ILS) has greater power ... |
Sivilevičius, Henrikas
Maskeliūnaitė, Lijana
The model assessing the impact of price and provided services on the quality of the trip by train: MCDM approach Long-distance transportation of passengers is usually performed by air and rail transport. The time and cost of the trip, as well as quality and variety of services and other economic criteria, strongly infl uence the choice of one of the competing transport facilities. The qu... |
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