Číslo 1 (2020) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Bajtoš, Ján
Honzíková, Jarmila
Bajtoš, Michal
Hrozby plagiátorstva počas dištančného štúdia v období pandémie covid-19 In the article, the authors deal with the solution of a possible increased incidence of plagiarism in students' written work during online education at home. Online home education is a type of distance learning which was brought to school by the COVID-19 pandemic practically... |
Tomková, Viera
Valentová, Monika
Moodle ako forma dištančného vzdelávania počas pandémie covid-19 Electronic education with the support of teaching management has been used in the teaching of students at the University of Constantine the Philosopher in Nitra for several years. University academics have the opportunity to use the EDU Education Portal for education, which uses th... |
Walat, Wojciech
Functional illiteracy of homo interneticus – result of apparent education The article presents the characteristics of several types of functional illiteracy of a modern man – homo interneticus. In today's computerized world traditionally understood literacy is far insufficient, therefore there is an urgent need for the introduction of universal functional literacy,... |
Šebo, Miroslav
Skúsenosti so vzdelávaním počas koronakrízy The article deals with author's teaching experiences during corona crisis. The purpose of the article is to describe methods, procedures and programs used in online education. Sub-objective is to describe students' opinions on this type of education. We decided to use slightly&... |
Griva, Anastasia
Kalantzi, Maria
Kanellakopouou, Sofia
Armakolas, Stefanos
Study on the development of motivations with the use of ICT in a learning environment of teachers΄trainers The development of technology in recent years has affected all aspects of human life, including education. This is due to the fact that only through technology is it possible to meet the needs of the modern age. Although new technologies seem promising, learning is a mult... |
Chushikina, Kate
Vinarchik, Elena
Neurography as a way to deal with stressful situations in learning The article considers the method of neurography as a way to deal with stressful situations. The application of the method in the situation of student learning is justified. There are 4 foundations of the work of neurography as a relaxation method. |
Gašparová, Miroslava
Kyseľová, Janka
Excursion in distance learning Distance education is a modern form of education, which is so far only a supplementary in our school system. However, the crisis situation has opened up its potential for use in teaching, even in subjects requiring the direct participation of students in order to fulfill ... |
Eremin, Danila
Vinarchik, Elena
Beadweaving as a method for reducing anxiety in high school students in the period of preparation for school exams The article discusses the beadweaving method as an effective way to relieve anxiety in the period of the preparing for the school’s exams. Anxiety is presented as one of the most important components of a person’s emotional sphere, which affects of student’s attitude to study,... |
Kielbusová, Zdeňka
Využití grafického tabletu v distanční výuce Permanent state of readiness for distance learning is the significant characteristic of the school year 2020/2021. The graphics tablet is one of the tools that can significantly help in online learning and increase its quality. We will show some of the many possibilities of... |
Hašková, Alena
Havettová, Romana
Vogelová, Zuzana
Fungovanie edukačného prostredia základných a stredných škôl v pandemických podmienkach: skúsenosti zo Slovenska The authors in the article present main phenomena that during the state of emergency declared by the Government of the Slovak Republic due to the spreading coronavirus pandemic were to contribute to managing the situation and supporting operation of the educational environment of p... |
Tvarůžka, Václav
Coronavirus covid 19 jako námětová inspirace pro učitele a děti v tvorbě a práci s materiály The paper deals with innovation of education within the state of emergency announcement relating coronavirus pandemic. For the innovation, we used the topic of PIŇÁTA as an archetype of evil that enables using of common materials for the education of practical activities at primary... |
Honzíková, Jarmila
Studium učitelství pro mateřské školy v distanční formě při nouzovém stavu Current education is characterized by the penetration of new technologies into teaching methods and forms of work not only at primary, secondary, but mainly at universities. In addition to classical lectures and seminars, students also have electronic support, eg in the form of e-c... |
Klement, Milan
Možnosti rozvoje informatického myšlení on-line formou v podmínkách víceletých gymnázií Teaching programming at non-technical schools represents a new and relatively unexplored area. It is therefore necessary to ask the questions related to the possible necessity of such teaching and about its potential influence and/or inpact on students`s further development. Within the ... |
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