Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 8 of 8
Liška, Martin
Vendula Hingarová, Zdenko Maršálek: Posláni na sever: Češi na nucené práci v Norsku
Hendrychová Lorenzová, Eva
Alena Glajchová: Zrození a stárnutí: dvě životní etapy optikou konceptu zranitelnosti
Naxera, Vladimír
Krčál, Petr
Mochernak, Nataliya-Mariya
A Brewery as Assemblage of Various Documentations
Tydlitátová, Věra
Naxera, Vladimír
Za Petrem Charvátem
Naxera, Vladimír
O (ne)demokracii, roli armády v politice a české (nejen politické) vědě. Rozhovor s Jaroslavem Bílkem
Macková, Veronika
Mařík, Radek
A robotic reporter still lacks creativity, but it can already replace human journalists in several areas
Automated journalism is experiencing rapid advancements, prompting concerns among certain journalists who
fear potential job displacement by robotic reporters. Conversely, there is a cohort of journalists embracing this
progress, viewing the involvement of robotic reporters as a time-efficient ...
Rod, Zdeněk
Konceptualizace bezpečnostně-rozvojového nexu: současné interpretace a kritika
The security-development nexus (SDN) has gained prominence in international relations since the 1990s, un dergoing significant theoretical and practical transformations in conflict resolution. It is generally viewed as
a relationship between security and development, with two primary perspectives: on...
Naxera, Vladimír
Acta na konci své patnáctileté cesty
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 8 of 8