Diplomové práce / Theses (KGE) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 1 až 20 z 36
Vavřičková, Miluše
Potenciál rozvoje zelené infrastruktury města Plzně na území Zeleného trojúhelníku

This master´s thesis explores the issue of green infrastructure in Pilsen, with an emphasis on the Green Triangle urban district. Green infrastructure is analysed as a key element of urban adaptation to climate change and the promotion of the quality of life of the population&...

Votrubcová, Pavlína
Problémy rozvoje regionu SO ORP Kralovice

The work deals with the analysis and evaluation of the peripheral area of SO ORP Kralovice. The work systematically examines the current state of this region from a geographical, economic and social perspective. It identifies key factors influencing the development of peripheral areas&#...

Triner, Daniel
Vývoj zeleně ve sportovně-rekreačních areálech na území\nl{} města Plzně

This master's thesis focuses on the development of greenery in sports and recreational areas in Pilsen and provides a comprehensive overview of changes over the past 60 years. Greenery in urban environments serves many positive functions such as air purification, noise reduction, co...

Raddová, Adéla
Politicko-geografické aspekty vývoje bezpečnostní situace \nl{}v severním pohraničí Indie ve 21. století

This thesis is a geographical assessment of the evolving security situation in the northern border region of India in the 21st century in terms of military threats. The areas in question are the disputed regions of Jammu and Kashmir, Ladakh and Arunachal Pradesh. Further, atte...

Gruberová, Silvie
Zapojení koridoru řeky Chrudimky do urbanistické struktury města Pardubice

This thesis focuses on the integration of the Chrudimka River corridor in the city of Pardubice. Specifically, it concerns the section of the Chrudimka River from the confluence with the Elbe River to the Červeňák Bridge. The theoretical part deals with the general issu...

Strnad, Adam
Potenciál rozvojových ploch města Tachov pro hospodaření\nl{} s dešťovou vodou

Thanks to the development of urbanization, natural areas have been replaced by impervious materials, which causes several problems. The ability of the land to infiltrate rainwater into the subsoil is reduced, its runoff is accelerated, watercourses are polluted, and thanks to the lack&#...

Novotný, Ondřej
Nástroje regulace návštěvnosti atraktivních přírodních lokalit na \nl{}Železnorudsku

The thesis deals with the instruments of visitor regulation in the area of attractive natural sites around the town of Železná Ruda in Šumava. This area is defined and marked as Železná Ruda region in the thesis. The thesis includes chapters such as a comparison of t...

Zeman, Aleš
Global Happiness Index versus COVID-19: Změnil COVID vnímání \nl{}štěstí v různých makroregionech světa?

The diploma thesis deals with the effects of the coronavirus pandemic on the perception of happiness in the area of interest, which consists of the European, African and Latin American macroregions. The primary goal of the work is to find out if there are regional differe...

Haas, Lukáš
Dopady regionální politiky na rozvoj SO ORP Domažlice

My thesis examines the impact of regional policy on the administrative district of the municipality of Domažlice. The theoretical part explains the effect of the state border, the influence of the Šumava micro-region, cross-border cooperation and, of course, the regional policy of the&#...

Novák, Daniel
Geografické aspekty vývoje bezpečnostní situace na Blízkém východě od roku 2001

The master's thesis examines the development of security in the territory of the Middle East since 2001. In the introduction of the thesis, the delimitation of the Middle East is addressed. Then the thesis focuses on important historical events after the Second World War t...

Grusová, Kateřina
Dopady regionální politiky na rozvoj SO ORP Blovice

The thesis focuses on the impact of regional policy on the development of the Blovice region. All the projects that were part of the previous programme period 2014-2020 were identified. The number of implemented projects and the volume of their subsidy funds were addressed. Th...

Pekárek, Roman
GIS jako nástroj krajinného plánování na příkladu\nl{} SO ORP Rokycany

The thesis deals with the issue of landscape planning. It describes its objectives, forms and problems that complicate the process of landscape planning in the Czech Republic. Furthermore, the author mainly focuses on the landscape plan. The need for this comprehensive document is ...

Solarová, Markéta
Teplotní komfort na území Borských polí

Urbanization changes the urban landscape and leads to changes in air temperature. The creation of artificial surfaces by humans has a significant effect on the urban climate. The transformation of natural landscapes into urban environments, combined with the effects of climate change, c...

Mišterová, Kamila
Ekologické zemědělství ve Zlínském kraji

The diploma thesis evaluates the current state of organic farming in the Zlín region and at the same time defines the basic concepts associated with this phenomenon. There is also a characteristic of the certification and control system (mainly the food quality labeling system).&#x...

Kosinová, Karolína
Uplatnění principů cirkulární ekonomiky na Berounsku

The diploma thesis focuses on defining the essential features of the circular economy, and also for research on the application of its principles in the territory of interest, which was defined by the boundaries of the SO ORP Beroun and bears the name Berounsko. The diplo...

Heflerová, Aneta
Možnosti identifikace drenážních systémů v zemědělské krajině

The submitted diploma thesis is focused on the possibilities of identifying drainage systems in agricultural landscapes. The study discusses the evaluation of several research techniques for the detection of drainage lines and is mainly targeted on ground mapping with a thermal camera. ...

Bureš, Jan
Potenciál využití recyklovaných materiálů ve stavebnictví\nl{} v Plzeňském kraji

This thesis provides an insight into the principles of the circular economy and why the transition to this model is important. The author of the thesis worked with foreign and Czech sources, from which he developed literature research. To achieve the goals, author used documen...

Janda, Josef
Mladí lidé jako aktéři budoucího rozvoje malých měst

Diploma thesis deals with the topic of young people as actors in the future development of small towns. The work focuses on young people in selected municipalities of the Central Bohemian Region. The aim of the work is to analyze the participation of young people in ...

Waldmannová, Barbora
Projekty související s SDGs a jejich ohlas na sociálních sítích: \nl{}Analýza profilu WEF na sociální platformě LinkedIn za vybrané\nl{} období

The diploma thesis deals with the analysis of video posts published on the World Economic Forum (WEF) profile on the LinkedIn platform. The analysis focuses on projects related to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and their response on the LinkedIn platform. Sustainable developme...

Majer, Tomáš
Využívání obnovitelných zdrojů energie v obcích a městech

The diploma thesis is focused on using renewable energy sources in villages and cities with emphasis on Czech Republic environment. The topic is strongly connected with energy self-sufficiency which is becoming increasingly important. The thesis attempts to summarize and identify the motivat...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 1 až 20 z 36