Články / Articles (KKS) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Sedláček, František
Kalina, Tomáš
Štěpánek, Martin
Optimization of Components with Topology Optimization for Direct Additive Manufacturing by DLMS This paper presents a novel design methodology that validates and utilizes the results of topology optimization as the final product shape. The proposed methodology aims to streamline the design process by eliminating the need for remodeling and minimizing printing errors through process... |
Palaščáková Špringrová, Ingrid
Bartoníčková, Tereza
Firýtová, Rita
Drlík, Pavel
Vyhodnocení efektu terapie na močovou inkontinenci u mužů po radikální roboticko asistované prostatektomii v rámci Rehaspring konceptu PPA Basis: Malignant prostatic tumor belongs to the most common oncologic diseases in men. When the tumor is localized only in prostate, radiotherapy or radical prostatectomy are methods of treatment. After radical prostatectomy we find that 80% of men suffer from erectile dysfunction and... |
Glatz, Karel
Hlaváč, Jan
Volejníček, Martin
Návrh pohonu kovacího lisu 25 MN bez předlohové hřídele a s planetovou převodovkou uvnitř setrvačníku na hlavním hřídeli The content of this diploma thesis is a search on the topic of mechanical press drive, planetary gear mechanisms and differentials. The practical part contains the design of variants of the press drive using a planetary gear mechanism or differential. For each of them, the... |
Kratochvíl, Martin
Slámová, Ivana
Kalina, Tomáš
Hrdlička, Filip
Use of SW tool to support teaching technical subjects Software tool for beam design was invented for educational purposes. SW Tool is based on standard formulas enhanced by Ashby’s theory. It is therefore a SW tool for structural design of profiles, considering its stability and enabling shape optimization for the most efficient use... |
Hlaváč, Jan
Dekastello, Jiří
Čechura, Milan
Volejníček, Martin
Kubec, Václav
Sawing energy in mechanical crank press drives The paper deals with the drive options of mechanical presses and their influence on energy efficiency. Although the main focus is on energy efficiency, we also emphasize design and operational issues. The press machine is divided into two separate sections-the machine side and the&... |
Lašová, Václava
Bernardin, Petr
Švagr, Marcel
Kubíček, Jiří
ALTERNATIVE SOLUTION OF A MILLING HEAD HOUSING USING THE COMPUTER AIDED SYSTEMS The aim of this work was design of alternative solution of milling head housing with help of topology optimization. Mechanical properties of new alternative housing solution (specifically astiffness) are based on the existing milling head IFVW10x manufactured by the ŠMT a.s. company. Th... |
Kašpar, Jaromír
Bernardin, Petr
Lašová, Václava
INCREASING THE ROBUSTNESS OF AN INVERSE STAMPING ALGORITHM Inverse stamping is a useful tool in engineering. It can be used to find the initial blank shape of stamped parts. It is also useful for quick and easy analysis of a forming process and its impact on the design of a component. Algorithms for inverse stamping are... |
Hofman, Jiří
Čermák, Roman
ComplexTrans—Global Rail-Road Transportation System Economical and Clustered Individual and Individualised Public Transport also Prevents the Spread of Covid 19 Land transport can no longer meet the requirements. European transport can be described by these words −crowded motorways and cities, dangerous emissions, ubiquitous traffic accidents, delays, expensive railways. Solutions are being sought to transfer a large part of passengers and especially... |
Skovajsa, Michal
Sedláček, František
Mrázek, Martin
Determination of mechanical properties of composite sandwich panel with aluminium honeycomb core This paper deal with comparison of mechanical properties of composite sandwich panel with aluminium honeycomb core which is determined by experimental measurement, analytic calculation and numerical simulation. The goal was to compared four composite sandwich panels. The composite sandwich panels ... |
Skovajsa, Michal
Kroft, Roman
Sedláček, František
Numerical and experimental modal analysis of a carbon fibre monocoque This paper deals with the comparison of experimental measurements and numerical simulation of the natural frequency and natural shape of a carbon fibre monocoque. This comparison is used to validate the numerical analysis with a real monocoque. Usually, monocoques consist of orthotropic ... |
Mrázek, Martin
Sedláček, František
Skovajsa, Michal
Design of Composite Disc Spring for Automotive Suspension with using Numerical Simulation This paper investigates the replacement of a conventional steel coil spring with a composite disc spring with the aim of minimizing its weight. Simulation in the CAD system Siemens NX 12 was used to determine the composite disc spring’s behavior. The regression functions were ... |
Bartoň Klufová, Pavla
Kříž, Antonín
Tittel, Jan
Doležalová, Kamila
Protikorozní povrchová ochrana oceli C45 kompozitním laserovým návarem na bázi měď-čedič The present contribution explores the corrosion resistance of a composite copper-basalt laser clads. The substrate was a C45 steel sheet 20 mm in thickness. The filler materials were two mixtures of Oerlikon METCO 55 powder (high-purity copper) and basalt dust. These two constituents... |
Kalina, Tomáš
Špirk, Stanislav
Sedláček, František
Experimental Testing of Basic Crash Elements Made of CFRP by Additive Technologies This paper deals with the experimental testing of the basic crash elements which are made of PA6 with short carbon fiber reinforcement by additive technology. Additive technologies allow the production of very complex, thin-walled and hollow shapes, which can be used to tune the... |
Čechura, Milan
Hlaváč, Jan
Volejníček, Martin
Kubec, Václav
The thermal balance of forging press and influence of its thermal state to machine and its operation The paper deals with the influence of the thermal state of the machine on its function and product accuracy. The results of the experimental measurement on a particular machine are presented and consequently a virtual simulation of the thermal state of the working space depend... |
Ráž, Karel
Čechura, Milan
Kubec, Václav
Unconventional Design of the Mechanical Crank Press Developed by the Topology Optimization This article deals with the design optimization of the mechanical crank press. These presses have not any significant development changes in a long time. Mechanical press LDC 250 with nominal force 2.5 MN (250 tons) was considered as an example. This type of press can be&... |
Skovajsa, Michal
Sedláček, František
Mrázek, Martin
Design of Multi-Part Mould for Production of a Medium-Large Carbon Fibre Component This paper deals with the design of a multi-part mould for the production of a carbon fibre medium-large compo-nent. The design and forming of a medium-large component which is defined by a closed structure and has high demands on dimensional accuracy is a very complex pr... |
Kalina, Tomáš
Determination of Cohesive Parameters for Mode II of Epoxy Adhesive The paper deals with the determination of cohesive parameters of adhesive Scotch-Weld DP490 3M. Mode II of cohesive damage were examined. Experimental testing was performed on the test specimens to determine the mechanical properties of the adhesive according to ASTM D7905. The results&... |
Čechura, Milan
Kubec, Václav
Among the world’s leaders in forging machines: CKV 17000 DOOSAN Press This paper presents the largest hydraulic press for open-die forging ever made in the Czech Republic. Its capacity of 170 MN combines with a workspace of 8.5-metre height and 9.8-metre width. In each case, the result is a unique machine, a prototype made to customer requi... |
Čechura, Milan
Volejníček, Martin
Development and specifics of the construction of a LKMK 8000 large crank press The article deals with the development of large forging presses for die forging. It analyses individual aspects of the development of large presses. This is followed by market analysis and a search of design solutions by individual manufacturers. Set of design recommendations has b... |
Beránek, Václav
Šťastný, Petr
Nováček, Vít
Votápek, Petr
Formánek, Josef
Upper Limb Strikes Reactive Forces in Mix Martial Art Athletes during Ground and Pound Tactics Athletes of mixed martial arts use a ground and pound strategy with the strikes in the dominant ground position. The aim of this study was to compare the average peak force (Fpeak) among three punches and to estimate the probability of achieving a skull bone fracture ... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikační činnost / Publications
- Fakulta strojní / Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
- Katedra konstruování strojů / Department of Machine Design