Články / Articles (KRO) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Horová, Helena
Acquisition de la compétence lexicale dans les approches didactiques visant la communication spécialisée |
Rozlozsnikova, Hana
Louise Dupré ou le déclin, la décadence, la reconstruction et la renaissance |
Koláříková, Dagmar
K otázce adaptace lexému instagram v českém a francouzském jazyce One of the new social media attracting people's attention is Instagram which has become a medium for photo and video sharing. The aim of the study is to classify and describe the type of word formation on the name Instagram using the word formation theory proposed... |
Mudrochová, Radka
Koláříková, Dagmar
Mudrochová, Radka
La traduction des dénominations argotiques désignant l’argent à partir d’un corpus parallèle : l’exemple de la langue tchèque |
Koláříková, Dagmar
K otázce adaptace lexému "blog" v českém a francouzském jazyce The aim of this article is to analyze the Anglicism “blog” in the Czech and French languages and show to what degree the term has been adapted in both languages. The purpose of the theoretical framework is to clarify the concept of adaptation. Adaptation of loanwords ... |
Koláříková, Dagmar
À propos de la productivité lexicale actuelle du formant « cyber » |
Divišová, Lucie
Jazyková invence v české a francouzské konkrétní poezii were also identified, all of which were connected to the idea of exploitation of the poor and vulnerable segments of society. The victims of the poverty business include not only the clients of poverty entrepreneurs but also other people who were categorized according to their... |
Mudrochová, Radka
La notion de vintage en français et en tchèque |
Divišová, Lucie
L´exil et le journal personnel – d´une vie vécue à une vie racontée et transformée ? The paper called Exile and the Diary - from life as lived to life as narrated and transformed - deals with three different approaches to the reality of exile and attempts to create an authentic-looking literature. Diaries of three authors from Central Europe who were in... |
Kolaříková, Dagmar
Jak lexém bitcoin obohatil český a francouzský jazyk Bitcoin, first introduced in 2008, and other virtual currencies (litecoin, ripple, ethereum, dash, etc. – known as “altcoins”) are a phenomenon of the 21 st century. When speaking about bitcoins, views on cryptocurrency-related risks and benefits vary ... |
Kolaříková, Dagmar
K nákupu dárek zdarma aneb Jak se daří pleonasmům nejen v odborné francouzštině |
Horová, Helena
Exploitation didactique de la terminologoie et de la définition dans les cours de français de spécialité The main objective of our paper is related to the previous publications of the author who had for the object the textual analys. The communication seeks above all to define the basic terms of the term: terminology and definition based on Czech and French linguistic source... |
Koláříková, Dagmar
Le mémoire, ce n’est pas seulement un tas de pages couvertes de petits caractères noirs This paper develops an accurate portrait of grammatical errors made by students of French at the Faculty of Philosophy and Arts at the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen. The data used in this study comprised theses of twenty university students learning French. The study... |
Mudrochová, Radka
Les mots en -ing dans le français d’aujourd’hui issus du journal Le Nouvel Économiste: des termes économiques ou des créations propres au style journalistique ? The aim of this paper is to characterize "semispecialized" texts from the economic field published in the newspaper Le Nouvel Économiste in terms of the use of lexemes ending at -ing in contemporary French. The study first represents our set of work with words ending... |
Fenclová, Marie
Le français de spécialité dans les programmes philologiques aux universités tchèques We have conducted a survey of the programs of study of all Czech university workplaces concerned with French as a philological discipline in order to find out if they offer also instruction in the professional, or possibly scholarly, French language. It has been determined tha... |
Fenclová, Marie
Úvodní strany |
Koláříková, Dagmar
K otázce adaptace anglicismů ve francouzštině v porovnání s češtinou na příkladu názvů subkultur This article deals with the analysis of English borrowings in French and Czech. The basis for the presented analysis is the field of youth subcultures (such as beats, hipsters, hippies, mods, teddy boys, rude boys, skinheads, rastafarians and punks) outlined by Dick Hebdige in ... |
Horová, Helena
K textové lingvistice: diachronní a synchronní hledisko uplatněné v rámci české a frankofonní lingvistiky The main aim of our study is to introduce the topic of textual linguistics from the diachronic and synchronic perspective by employing the comparative approach during the processing of relevant linguistic sources. The study will explore the development of textual linguistics as one ... |
Koláříková, Dagmar
Na cestě od věty k textu The aim of this article is to present a wide range of text grammars in modern French grammar books. Text grammars are expected to provide a more adequate framework for the description of many problematic phenomena dealt with in modern linguistics. A text that lacks cohere... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikační činnost / Publications
- Fakulta filozofická / Faculty of Philosophy and Art
- Katedra románských jazyků / Department of Romance Language