Články / Articles (KSP) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Kopecký, Martin
K ústavněprávním základům vydávání obecně závazných vyhlášek The paper deals with constitutional regulation issuance of regulations by territorial self-governing units, especially municipalities. The author analyses text of Constitution and describes main historical changes of interpretation resulting both from the Constitutional Court case-law and the doctrine. Iss... |
Kopecký, Martin
K možnostem zrušení pravomocného rozhodnutí o přestupku jako podmínky pro vedení dalšího trestního stíhání The issue of the application of the ne bis in idem rule between administrative proceedings on a minor offence (“přestupek”) and criminal court proceedings creates several questions related to what further prosecution is excluded by the fact that a certain illegal act has already... |
Šimka, Karel
Veřejné opatrovnictví jako úkol veřejné moci vykonávaný ve veřejném zájmu soukromoprávní metodou právní regulace aneb mnoho povyku pro (skoro) nic On 6 May 2021, the Supreme Administrative Court´s competence chamber issued resolution Ref. No. Komp 3/2018-87; howewer, the legal conclusions presented in this resolution soon took on a life of their own. What is inferred from these conclusions follows neither from the legislatioi... |
Malast, Jan
Prvky atypičnosti v organizaci veřejné správy The paper deals with atypical elements in the organization of public administration in the Czech Republic. It seeks to define the essence and possible causes of organizational “atypicality” (deviations, exceptions, asymmetries) and assess its impact, not only on the functionality of public... |
Malast, Jan
Společné řízení o přestupcích – vždy ve prospěch pachatele? The paper deals with the issue of common proceedings on multiple administrative transgressions and the question of the applicability of this special type of proceedings in connection with the principle of absorption if their consequences would lead to a deterioration of the accused’s... |
Kopecký, Martin
Výkon trestní pravomoci jinými než soudními orgány (k ústavním základům přestupkového práva) The article analyzes legislation contained in a constitutional charter of Czechoslovakia from 1920 which defines that judiciary can also be exercised by other bodies as well as courts. This rule can be found in regulations of police or financial criminal procedure. The article anat... |
Malast, Jan
K vývoji podmínek vyvlastnění v soukromém i veřejném právu (se zaměřením na požadavek subsidiarity v případě nezbytného přístupu k nemovitosti) The paper deals with the issue of legal conditions of expropriation and their changes in the background of the development of their legal regulation. It analyzes the conditions arising from both private and public law regulations and considers, in particular, some of the legal ... |
Stejskal, Vojtěch
Rekodifikace veřejného stavebního práva: quo vadis? Author deals with the recent most important topic, recodification of th public building legislation in the Czech Republic, especially the non-standard legislative procedure – a preparing of the new building legislation and the proposal for the amendments of the key environmental legislation.... |
Kučera, Lukáš
Peška, Jaroslav
Fojtík, Pavel
Barták, Petr
Sokolovská, Diana
Pavelka, Jaroslav
Komárková, Veronika
Beneš, Jaromír
Polcerová, Lenka
Králík, Miroslav
Bednář, Petr
Determination of milk products in ceramic vessels of corded ware culture from a late Eneolithic burial In this study, a soil from two ceramic vessels belonging to Corded Ware culture, 2707–2571 B.C., found in a cremation grave discovered in Central Moravia, Czech Republic, was analyzed using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization–mass spectrometry (MALDI–MS) combined with advanced statistical ... |
Kout, Jiří
Vlasák, Josef
Lindner, Daniel L.
Banik, Mark T.
Laetiporus lobatus (Basidiomycota, Polyporales), a new fungal species from Costa Rica A new species of Laetiporus, L. lobatus, is described. The species is closely related to L. caribensis, having similar ITS sequence and morphology. L. lobatus has smaller pores than L. caribensis and also has a distinctively lobed edge on its basidiocarps. To date, this specie... |
Stejskal, Vojtěch
Rekodifikace veřejného stavebního práva: quo vadis? |
Šimka, Karel
Paralelní vesmíry, aneb správní soudnictví v dotyku s insolvencí The author deals with the relationship between insolvency proceedings and administrative justice. This relationship was long highly questionable. It was partially clarified by the judgement of the extended chamber of the Supreme Administrative court of 10 July 2018, Ref. No. 4 As 149... |
Šimka, Karel
Kárná řízení u Nejvyššího správního soudu a soudní exekutoři Disciplinary proceedings with Judicial Officers are conducted by disciplinary chambers of the Supreme Administrative Court since 2009 similarly as with judges and state prosecutors. In contrast with attorneys and notaries the National Chamber of Judicial Officers of Czech republic is the onl... |
Malast, Jan
Právní úprava demokratizace veřejné správy České republiky po roce 1989 |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikační činnost / Publications
- Fakulta právnická / Faculty of Law
- Katedra správního práva / Department of Administrative Law