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Poslední příspěvky
Munk, Michal
Kapusta, Jozef
Švec, Peter
Turčáni, Milan
Data advance preparation factors affecting results of sequence rule analysis in web log mining One of the main tasks of web log mining is discovering patterns of behaviour of portal visitors. Based on the found patterns of users behaviour, which are represented by sequence rules it is possible to modify and improve the web page of an organisation.... |
Kozel, Tomáš
Mohelská, Hana
Modely firem s mobilně orientovanou architekturou This article is supported by the grant no. 402/08/1046 „Models of firms with mobile oriented architecture” of the Czech Science Foundation. The substance of the project „Models of firms with mobile oriented architecture”is creation and research of the comprehensive... |
Stavárek, Daniel
Vodová, Pavla
Aplikace nerovnovážného modelu na trh úvěrů v České republice The aim of the paper is to apply a disequilibrium model on credit market in The Czech Republic and to analyze credit demand and credit supply in period 1994 – 2007. We aim to answer the following questions: What are the main determinants that drive ... |
Speth, Heribert
Šebo, Juraj
Kováč, Jozef
How can companies actively redound to improve their ratings?: a current bank survey The article deals with the possibilities of improving companies ́ ratings used for the evaluation of the probability of default of the credits granted by banks. There are two general views mentioned in the article. The view of banks, which can refine their c... |
Ježek, Jiří
Aplikace městského marketingu v praxi: vývoj, očekávání, realita (kritický pohled) The paper analysis and critically evaluates a practical application of city marketing. It results not only from the Czech, but also foreign experiences. It points out some discrepancies between expectations and a reality of city marketing, which have not been r... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikační činnost / Publications
- Fakulta ekonomická / Faculty of Economy
- Publikace FEK / Publications of FEK
- Ekonomie a management
- 46 2010