Číslo 2 (2011) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Glova, Jozef
Aplikácia teórie matíc v determinácií časovej štruktúry úrokových sadzieb This paper focuses on the term structure of interest rates. We show that the term structure of interest rates is a static function that relates the term to maturity to the yield to maturity for a sam- ple of bonds at a given point of time. We a... |
Pompurová, Kristína
Atraktívnosť Slovenska pre vybraný segment návštevníkov The article focuses on the tourist destination attractiveness. Foreign literature offers four main approaches to the tourist destination attractiveness research. Geographical and presentational approaches are oriented towards supply side. The first offers objective, the second subjective regard.... |
Kraftová, Ivana
Masuyama, Yoriko
Matěja, Zdeněk
Kornfeldová, Martina
Společenská odpovědnost v lázeňství: shody či rozdíly? (komparativní studie českého a japonského prostředí) The starting point of this article is the comparison of selected aspects of Czech and Japanese spa industries, especially the historical roots, the legislative framework, the development of num- ber of spas in recent decades and the concept of traditional Czech a Japanese Spa... |
Matusiková, Lucja
Analysis of perception of consumer's rights by the Y generation Protection of consumer rights is an inseparable part of any government policy. Consumer's rights and their perception by individual subjects are the factor which can influence company business strategy in a substantial way. Sometimes it is possible to get an impression that... |
Baťa, Robert
Kadlecová, Pavlína
Modelování ekonomicko-environmentálních dopadů energetického využití papíru The work is focused on approaches to waste paper processing. Waste management is an im- portant component of managerial decision-making in businesses and in the public administration sector. Environmental legislation creates continual pressure on finding new solutions that are both ec... |
Semrádová, Ilona
Kacetl, Jaroslav
Ethics in the future manager’s professional training Czech expert literature in the field of business ethics is not so wide as in Western Europe but business or professional ethics has become a vital part of study programmes of faculties with non-humanistic studies. Business ethics pays close attention to the international... |
Ceylan, Adnan
Seyfettin, Sulu
Organizational injustice and work alienation Organizational justice is argued to be related to several work attitudes and behaviors such as job satisfaction, turnover intention, absenteeism, organizational commitment, workplace aggression, job stress, and managerial and organizational trust. A great deal of research also addressed work... |
Šprajc, Polona
Šifrer, Jerneja
Novak, Vesna
Economic growth effects on education with the emphasis on the career center The contribution deals with the economics of education and with the approaches to its optimisa- tion on the basis of the field research. From the view of the education we can say that the macro- -economic approach involves a moddeling of economic growth in an education.... |
Stejskal, Ladislav
Stávková, Jana
Structure and determinants of consumer expenditures Article deals with consumer expenditures development. Concretely with a potential which mar- keting research disposes with within these questions. a brief literature overview shows consumer expenditures as a result of product and service seeking, from that consumers expect satisfying of... |
Hájek, Oldřich
Novosák, Jiří
Hovorková, Zuzana
Inovace a region: klastry a regionální inovační systém Zlínského kraje Innovations represent an underlying element of competitiveness in global economies. In the process of innovation building, spatial relations play an important part. Generally, the regional and local levels are emphasised because of the importance of actors’ interactions in the process.... |
Lungová, Miroslava
Hospodářská krize 2008 – 2009: analýza příčin Current economic crisis is often compared to Great Depression in thirties. Apart from its place of origin in United States, more similarities can be tracked down. Both started in financial markets turbulence with its repercussions in decline in industrial production as well ... |
Baležentis, Alvydas
Baležentis, Tomas
Brauers, Willem K. M.
Implementation of the strategy Europe 2020 by the multi-objective evaluation method Multimoora The Lisbon Strategy was initiated by the European Union in 2000 in order to turn the European Union into the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world by 2010. The Lisbon Strategy recognized the open method of co-ordination (OMC) as the EU-level&... |
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