Číslo 3-4 (2017) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Štorková, Nela
Jiří Woitsch, Adéla Jůnová Macková a kol. – Etnologie v zúženém prostoru (2016) |
Košařová, Adéla
Liisa H. Malkki – The Need to Help: The Domestic Arts of International Humanitarianism (2015) |
Wagner, David František
Østerskov Efterskole Edularp Conference (April 10–11, 2017) |
Brychta, Lukáš
Jak mám teď jednat?: eticky problematické situace v simulovaném prostředí a jejich charakter vzhledem k užitému médiu |
Kotryová, Lujza
Serious games a larp: vymedzenie |
Kuběnský, Petr
Podmínky a předpoklady narativní analýzy v larpu This paper attempts to create a systematic model of narrative analysis of the pre-structured LARP. The problematic nature of applying a narratological perspective resides in the interpretation of LARP as a dematerialized work, which is created only with a live rendition by the part... |
Wagner, David František
Konfrontace národní historické paměti a role The article deals with the topic of interaction between a live role-playing game and the personal historical memory of the participant. It provides a short general introduction to live role-playing games, then presents a specific game (Legion: Siberian Story) and observes its influence... |
Hampejs, Tomáš
Přivazování José Arcadia k plotu: kognitivní etnografie situační normativity morální kontroverze v larpové hře Cien Años The paper is an ethnographical probe into the chosen exotic environment of normativity in the fictive world enacted and embodied in a LARP game (role-playing simulation) and a theoretical essay about the artificial inter-subjectivity in role-playing simulation in general. Based on field ... |
Komasová, Sarah
Larp Sto roků samoty: mapování dočasné sítě Using the case of the LARP One HundredYears of Solitude, based on the book by Gabriel García Márquez, this article presents the process of the game’s formation by mapping interactions leading to the constitution and upkeep of the game reality. In the description of the... |
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