Fakulta pedagogická / Faculty of Education
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Dědičová, Mirka
Úroveň motorických dovedností a objem pohybových aktivit žáků na Sokolovsku Rigorous work deals with the motor level skills and volume of movement activities of pupils on Sokolovsko. The theoretical part described the characteristics children of younger school age, movement, physical activity and motor skills in children. In the research part, a described resea... |
Ivanova, Elena
Poznávací zájezdy po Permském kraji The topic of this bachelor's thesis is the development of a combined tour of the Perm Territory and the study of its attractiveness for foreign tourists. To achieve this goal certain tasks were set, which were carried out as the bachelor's thesis was being written.... |
Rybolovleva, Iuliia
Překlady básní Vladimíra Vysockého do češtiny The bachelor's thesis is devoted to the Russian poet Vladimir Vysotsky. The work considers the concepts of translation theory, as well as literary terms. Also, the work presents the classification of periods of the poet's work with characteristic features of his poetry. In... |
Ladyga, Jekaterina
Nina Šulginová, významná překladatelka české literatury The bachelor thesis is dedicated to the personality of Nina Mikhailovna Shulgina, a significant Russian translator of Czech literature. The thesis defines basic theoretical concepts of translation theory, summarizes information from theoretical literature, compiles a bibliography of translations by N.... |
Sopova, Veronika
Prvky hovorového stylu v črtách kolumnistů deníku Metro Petěrburg This bachelor's thesis conducts an analysis of elements of the conversational style in the sketch stories of the Metro Saint Petersburg newspaper. The study aims to identify conversational elements in short publicist texts that belong to the publicistic style of the Russian language... |
- 202 mateřská škola
- 183 základní škola
- 177 kindergarten
- 174 předškolní věk
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- 3691 bakalářská práce
- 2680 diplomová práce
- 2 rigorózní práce
- 1930 2020 - 2024
- 4443 2012 - 2019