Rigorózní práce / Rigorous theses (KTV) Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 2 of 2
Dědičová, Mirka
Úroveň motorických dovedností a objem pohybových aktivit žáků na Sokolovsku

Rigorous work deals with the motor level skills and volume of movement activities of pupils on Sokolovsko. The theoretical part described the characteristics children of younger school age, movement, physical activity and motor skills in children. In the research part, a described resea...

Košik, Petr
Srovnání motorické úrovně pohybově aktivních a inaktivních dětí 5. tříd Plzeňského kraje a Svobodného státu Sasko

Cross-border comparative analysis of the relationships between physical activity, somatic characteristics and the results of motor skills tests, from which we conclude on the overall health-oriented fitness, depending on the geographical affiliation of eleven-year-old 5th graders.

Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 2 of 2