Diplomové práce / Theses (KGS) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 1 až 20 z 35
Mrhalová, Gabriela
Interkulturelle und nationale Aspekte im literarischen Werk von Adalbert Stifter: Zur Frage der Regional- und Nationalliteratur

The topic of this thesis deals with intercultural and national aspects in the literary work of Adalbert Stifter regarding the question of regional and national literature. Initially, the author focuses on the life of the writer Adalbert Stifter, specifically his childhood and period...

Tylová, Lucie
Události roku 1989 v Československu očima pamětníků a médií tehdejšího Československa a Svobodného státu Bavorsko

This Thesis discusses about the Events of 1989 in Czechoslovakia through the Eyes of Contemporaries and the Media of Czechoslovakia and the Free State of Bavaria at that Time.

Delič, Dominik
Und do bin i dahoam! Dialektstrukturen in bayerischen Politikerreden zwischen unwillkürlichem Codeshifting und persuasiver Sprachstrategie / Und do bin i dahoam! Dialektové struktury v projevech bavorských politiků mezi neúmyslným codeshiftingem a přesvědčovací jazykovou strategií

My Thesis "Und do bin i dahoam! Dialektstrukturen in bayerischen Politikerreden zwischen unwillkürlichem Codeshifting und persuasiver Sprachstrategie" is dedicated to analysing dialect structures in the speeches of Bavarian politicians. The thesis focusses on how involuntary and deliberate use of...

Šlapáková, Lucie
Materiální připomínky života a díla vybraných spisovatelů z česko-bavorsko-rakouského pomezí

This diploma thesis is about selected Sumava writers. The main aim of this thesis is to present their lives, works, stops in life and material reminders. A little also about Sumava and the crafts that are connected with the writers. Where they spent their lives, what ...

Frühaufová, Denisa
Die Bayerischen Landesausstellungen: regionale und europäische Konzepte und Tendenzen / Bavorské zemské výstavy: regionální a evropské koncepty a tendence

This master thesis examines the Bavarian state exhibitions as critical components of Bavaria's cultural landscape and its interactions with European neighbors. Both regional and European approaches and trends are analyzed. The theoretical section addresses the fundamentals of the exhibition phenom...

Zimmerová, Kristýna
Alltag im Grenzgebiet vom Ende des 19. bis zur Mitte des 20. Jahrhunderts (Fallstudie)

The thesis examines the everyday life of the border region in the first half of the 20th century, with particular emphasis on the changes and specifics of life in the historical context. The author draws upon literary sources, interviews with witnesses, and research of contemp...

Solár, David
Jüdische Kulturpersönlichkeiten in der Karlsbader Region / Židovské kulturní osobnosti Karlovarska

The aim of this thesis is to place the Jewish cultural personalities of the Carlsbad (Karlovy Vary) Region in the broader cultural-historical context of Jewish life in the Czech lands, focusing on selected Jewish German or Czech writers, publicists and other selected significant Je...

Milota, Michal
Mediale Konstruktion eines kulturellen Gedächtnisses: die Sudetendeutsche Zeitung (München) im Vergleich mit der Landeszeitung/dem LandesEcho (Prag) Mediální konstrukce kulturní paměti: Sudetendeutsche Zeitung (Mnichov) ve srovnání s Landeszeitung/LandesEcho (Praha)

The present master's thesis is entitled Media Construction of Cultural Memory: the 'Sudetendeutsche Zeitung' (Munich) in comparison with the 'Landeszeitung' / 'LandesEcho' (Prague). Its aim is to test whether the editorial offices publishing these newspapers have an identity-for...

Šarvašová, Marie
Formen der Darstellung nationaler Konstellationen in der Prosa von Anton Schott

This master's thesis deals with the national relationship between Czechs and Germans in the 19th and 20th centuries. The way in which national constellations are portrayed is examined using the example of the 1903 novel In falschen Geleisen and the 1908 student novel Die A...

Velkoborský, Michal
To je epesní! Bairisch-oberdeutsches Lehngut im heutigen städtischen Alltagstschechisch am Beispiel von Pilsen und Brünn (To je epesní! Bavorsko-hornoněmecké výpůjčky v dnešní městské běžné češtině na příkladu Plzně a Brna)

The main aim of this master thesis is to determine the respondents' knowledge of Bavarian-Upper-German loanwords in today's urban Czech language using the example of Pilsen and Brno by means of a questionnaire and its subsequent evaluation. In the theoretical part, the historica...

Tesárková, Eva
Proměny českého a bavorského trhu práce v letech 2015-2022 na příkladu vybraných okresů v krajích Plzeňský, Jihočeský a Oberpfalz, Niederbayern

The thesis deals with the transformation of the Czech-Bavarian labour market in the period 2015-2022. After the theoretical definition of the common Czech-Bavarian area, a practical part follows, which deals with the selection of the Czech (Domažlice, Klatovy and Prachatice) and Bavarian...

Žaludová, Kristýna
Produktpolitik und Gestaltung des Absatzprogrammes der bayerischen Unternehmensgruppe Berger mit Ausrichtung auf ihre tschechische Tochtergesellschaft

The purpose of this diploma thesis is to analyse three selected products of Berger Holding SE using the Portfolio Analysis. This analysis is based on three interviews with employees of Berger Holding SE The interviews are conducted on the company premises. They focuse on the&#...

Duchek, Jiří
Kommentierte Übersetzung von umweltorietierten Texten aus dem Bereich der Wasserreinhaltung in Bayern

The theme of this thesis is Commented translation of environmentally oriented texts from the field of water resource protection in Bavaria. The thesis deals with the translation of two stylistically different texts that share the same environmental theme. The thesis is divided&#x...

Váchalová, Kristýna
Dialect sells. Formy, funkce a strategie při užití dialektálních struktur na reklamních plakátech v Bavorsku

The diploma thesis deals with the topic of the use of dialect in advertising and examines the forms in which dialectal structures occur. At the same time, it analyzes what functions dialectal structures have and whether they can play a role in marketing strategy. The anal...

Slepičková, Kristýna
Analýza témat povídek současné bavorské spisovatelky Keto von Waberer na příkladu sbírek Der Mann aus dem See (1992), Fischwinter (1995) a Umarmungen (2007)

This Master's Thesis aims to analyse and subsequently interpret the literary output of the contemporary Bavarian author Keto von Waberer, based on the selection of three short stories collections, specifically Der Mann aus dem See (1983), Fischwinter (1991) and Umarmungen (2007). In ...

Mrázová, Ilona
Nachhaltigkeit und Umweltpolitik in Bayern als Inspirationsquelle für tschechische Entscheidungsträger

The author of this diploma thesis focuses on sustainability and environmental policy in Bavaria as a source of inspiration for Czech decision makers. The main aim of this thesis is to summarize important information related to sustainability and based on the knowledge presented in&...

Ryjáčková, Pavla
Komentovaný překlad vybraných publicistických textů regionálního autora z Bavorska

This master thesis deals with translation of shorter journalistic texts from Bernhard Setzwein, regional author from Bavaria. There are nine texts in total, 8 of them were published as a supplement in the Bavarian National Newspaper. Most of the texts deal with purely Bavarian ...

Kapitánová, Nikola
Regionalisierung als Strategie für eine nachhaltige Wirtschaftsweise am Beispiel von bayerischen Regionalprodukten

The diploma thesis deals with the regionalisation as a strategy for a sustainable economy using the example of Bavarian regional products. The thesis is divided into two parts, namely into theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part defines basic terms related to the issue...

Krumlová, Kristýna
Übertragung der ausgewählten Textausschnitte vom "Dreizehn Fastnachtspiele aus den Jahren 1539-1550".

The author has chosen as the topic of her thesis the translation of selected texts from the book "Dreizehn Fastnachtspiele aus den Jahren 1539-1550" by Hans Sachs. The primary aim of this thesis was to translate the thirteenth chapter of the above mentioned book, to&...

Friedlová, Maria
Otilie Malybrok-Stielerová: život a dílo bavorské básnířky a překladatelky v souvislosti s česko-bavorskou literární spoluprací na přelomu 19. a 20. století

This Master's thesis aims to provide a detailed and complex description of the Bavarian poet Otilia Malybrok-Stieler (1836-1913) with a deeper focus on her relationship with the Czech writer Julius Zeyer (1841-1901). Their relationship is modelled on the basis of their extensive let...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 1 až 20 z 35