Revutska, Olga
Antlová, Klára
Application of agile management approaches in selected automotive companies in Liberec and Central Bohemian regions Dramatic changes caused by the rapid spread of the COVID-19 pandemic have emphasized the strategic importance of business agility. Companies around the globe are accelerating their agile transformation to succeed within the contemporary dynamic and complex business environment. This includes both... |
Zbořil, Martin
Svatá, Vlasta
Comparison of cloud service consumption in the Czech republic,Visegrád group and European union Adoption of cloud services has an increasing trend for many years already and no indication that it should change in close future has occurred. Moreover, cloud consumption has been further enhanced due to the COVID-19 situation since a great number of employees started to work... |
Trembošová, Miroslava
Kramoliš, Jan
Dubcová, Alena
Nagyová, Ľudmila
Forgáč, Pavel
Shopping behavior of the silver generation in Slovakia: a case study Nitra The Slovak population, like the population in other European countries, is aging. The population in the older age groups is growing by increasing the average age of life. Even in old age, people are still active, they like to actively participate in social and economic ac... |
Hudáková Stašová, Lenka
Evaluation of the financial health of food retail outlets in a market environment. A case study from the slovak republic In this paper, food retail stores are evaluated. The aim of the survey is analysis of their financial health using appropriate statistical methods, to analyse the market position of businesses, to identify weaknesses in businesses that may contribute to a poor financial situ... |
Alfordy, Faisal D.
Effective detection and prevention of fraud: perceptions among public and private sectors accountants and auditors in Saudi Arabia Globalization has inevitably transmuted fraud into a transnational hazard and raised significant apprehensions. Fraud affects organizations worldwide irrespective of nature, size, profitability, or industry. The pervasive nature of fraud serves a premise to study the menace further. Hence,... |
Mao, Hsiao-Yen
Job standardization and deviant workplace behavior Facing fiercely competitive global environments, organizations use widespread mass production of goods and services for lower cost and larger market shares for survival and growth. Thus, a job design and characteristic of standardization has long been adopted and recognized to b... |
Redek, Tjaša
Čater, Tomaž
Čater, Barbara
Černe, Matej
Koman, Matjaž
Firm agility and digitalisation less helpful than expected during the covid-19 pandemic, but valuable in the longer run Firms’ performance during exogenous crises depends on several factors, from strategic foresight, financial readiness, and a number of firm-specific as well as sectoral aspects, also including luck and government support. The aim of this paper is to investigate the extent to which the... |
Vo, Thuy Thi Diem
Velasquez Tuliao, Kristine
Chen, Chung-wen
Managers’ ethics of tax evasion: the roles of family, religion, and social conditions ax income is one of the essential financial resources to maintain a nation’s development, as tax revenue promotes the advancement of social welfare and community affairs. However, tax evasion has been a persistent governmental and societal concern. In order to expand insights... |
Fuchsová, Eva
Social responsibility in the strategy of business entities Social responsibility is a common part of corporate practice and an established topic of scientific research. Foreign studies have repeatedly concluded that the consistent integration of social responsibility into corporate strategy and strategic management of all dimensions of CSR strengthen cor... |
Antošová, Irena
Hazuchová, Naďa
Stávková, Jana
Consumers’ perceptions of health and factors influencing fulfilment of the need for healthcare in eu countries The paper deals with subjective perceptions of health by individuals. The research aimed at understanding socioeconomic and demographic factors influencing the fulfilment of healthcare needs and at finding out categories of factors that lead to the highest chances of meeting the need in... |
Lesáková, Ľubica
Vinczeová, Miroslava
Kaščáková, Alena
Measures supporting entrepreneurship in Slovak smes in the most vulnerable industries in times of the covid-19 pandemic The anti-pandemic measures taken to prevent the spread of the coronavirus has slowed down the economic activities of many businesses. Particularly vulnerable are SMEs in industries hardest hit by the crisis. These are SMEs which, due to the nature of their activities, have seen... |
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