Vosejpka, Jan
Tenkovrstvé materiály na bázi Cu-O připravované pomocí HiPIMS pro rozklad vody This work focuses on the preparation of Cu2O thin film materials using high power pulsed magnetron sputtering (HiPIMS) for photocatalytic applications with emphasis on photoelectrochemical water decomposition. First, the differences between HiPIMS and direct current magnetron sputtering (DCMS) are dis... |
Eret, Daniel
Spintronics - mechanická stavebnice modelující elektrické obvody a její využítí ve školské praxi This master's thesis deals with the possibility of using the mechanical kit Spintronics, which models electrical circuits, within the framework of teaching physics. The introductory part is focused on the importance of models and analogies in teaching, their specific types and use.... |
Aul, Daniel
Badatelsky orientované laboratorní práce z fyziky inspirované návody k školním měřícím systémům This thesis consists of, besides brief Introduction and Conclusion, five parts (chapters). In the first part it discusses most used probeware and literature that deals with this topic. In the second part it describes inquiry based learning and analysis of laboratory works by certai... |
Hodan, Ondřej
Magnetronová depozice tenkovrstvých slitin ze systému W-Zr-Cu This thesis deals with the preparation and investigation of magnetron sputtered thin film materials from the W-Zr-Cu system. These are completely new materials about which no study has been published so far. The aim of the thesis was to prepare these materials in a wide r... |
Němcová, Veronika
Optická emisní spektroskopie ve vysokovýkonovém impulzním magnetronovém rozprašování multikomponentního terče This master thesis is concerned with the investigation of trends in the behaviour of different types of particles, which were argon, niobium and carbon atoms and ions, in different regions of the plasma during the sputtering of a target composed of multiple elements, in this... |
Koloros, Jan
Příprava a charakterizace tenkých vrstev transparentních vodivých oxidů pomocí magnetronového naprašování The main topic of this diploma thesis is the deposition of transparent conductive copper oxides using reactive magnetron sputtering and the measurement of their electrical and transparent properties, such as electrical resistivity, concentration and mobility of free charge carriers and optical... |
Teřl, Vít
Modelování růstu kovových nanočástic v agregační komoře magnetronového nanočásticového zdroje This work deals with the growth of nanoparticles in a magnetron nanoparticle source and modelling of the processes occurring in the source. The aim of this work was to study the physical processes of nanoparticle formation in the gas phase that occur in the nanoparticle s... |
Benediktová, Anna
Simulace deformace a studium dislokační struktury v FCC krystalu This diploma thesis deals with the study of plastic deformation of the FCC crystal at the submicroscopic level. The 5% deformation of aluminium, unalloyed steel and Cantor alloy was simulated using molecular dynamics in the LAMMPS software, and the dislocation structures of chromium-man... |
Hantová, Kamila
Předpověď struktury vrstev ZnO a ZnOx vytvářených atom po atomu pomocí různých verzí klasické molekulární dynamiky This thesis focused on modeling of ZnO and ZnOx thin films using various types of classical molecular dynamics. The interaction between atoms is described by the empirical potential and reactive force field potential, which were found in the literature, and their physical accuracy ... |
Dvořák, Tomáš
Magnetronová depozice tenkovrstvých kovových slitin ze systémů W-Cu a W-Zr This thesis is focused on the study of the structure and properties of thin film alloys from W-Cu and W-Zr systems. Two series of layers were prepared in a wide range of compositions from 100 at. % W to 100 at. % Cu or Zr, respectively. Both series of ... |
Čurda, Pavel
Pulzní reaktivní magnetronové naprašování termochromických povlaků na bázi VO2 This thesis deals with reactive deposition of V1-xWxO2 thermochromic films using High Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering. The industrial requirements are given for the thermochromic films alongside with possibilities on how to reach them, like doping of other elements and antireflection coating.&... |
Lerchová, Tereza
Teoretický popis otráveného terče při reaktivním rozprašování feromagnetických kovů pod a nad Curieovou teplotou At the beginning, the presented thesis is focused on practical applications of ferromagnetic metals (Fe, Co, Ni) and briefly describes sputtering process and especially reactive deposition. Next, it describes quantum computing and especially DFT method. Briefly shows the current state in the... |
Kaufman, Michal
Příprava a charakterizace termochromických povlaků na bázi VO2 pomocí pulzního reaktivního magnetronového naprašování The central theme of this master thesis is a deposition of VO2 thermochromic thin films co-doped by magnesium and tungsten which can be used, for example, as an active layer of smart windows. The selected method for preparation of these films is based on high-power... |
Benešová, Martina
Analýza tepelných procesů při laserovém svařování plastů This thesis studies thermal processes during laser welding of plastics. It summarizes theories about the problematics and current status of its modelling. Further, creation of the simulation model of laser welding of plastics through the COSMOSM software is described. From the model,... |
Matas, Martin
Teoretický popis tuhých roztoků nitridů a boridů přechodových kovů Nitrides and borides of transition metals (Y, Ho, Hf, Ta, and Mo) are investigated by density-functional theory calculations. Suitable calculation parameters and optimum methodology of processing the raw data are identified. A new approach to modelling of magnetic rare-earth metal compounds ... |
Hutsalo, Kseniia
Tenkovrstvé povlaky na bázi kovových skel Zr-Hf-Cu As part of the diploma thesis were prepared three series of Zr-Hf-Cu layers, applied by highly efficient HiPIMS pulse magnetron sputtering in the deposition chamber. The depositions were performed in an atmosphere of argon. The basic pressure before each depositing was less than 5x... |
Kubásek, Tomáš
Vysokovýkonová pulzní reaktivní magnetronová depozice termochromických vrstev VO2 a jejich charakterizace This thesis deals with the thermochromic properties of vanadium dioxide (VO2) thin films prepared by the method of high-power impulse magnetron sputtering, or rather its modified form with deep oscillations (DOMS). Three films in total were created. Their phase composition, transmittance and... |
Šula, Michal
Kozák Tomáš, Ing. Ph.D.
Monte Carlo simulace napouštění reaktivního plynu pro reaktivní magnetronové naprašování vrstev The presented diploma thesis, at the beginning, focuses on the theory reactive magnetron sputtering. It briefly discusses historical development, modern trends and possible issues with the application of the technology. In the next part, it describes a model using Monte Carlo methods fo... |
Tichý, Michal
Vlček Jaroslav, Prof. RNDr. CSc.
Vysokovýkonová pulzní reaktivní magnetronová depozice vrstev VO2 na skle This thesis deals with reactive High-Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering (HiPIMS) of vanadium dioxide thin films on glass substrates. The aim is to create VO2 thermochromic thin films through controlled HiPIMS deposition and investigate the influence of deposition parameters on discharge character... |
Fialová, Markéta
Haviar Stanislav, RNDr. Ph.D.
Příprava a charakterizace nanostrukturních oxidů kovů Thin films of tungsten oxide with various stoichiometries were prepared by reactive magnetron sputtering using a metal target. These films can be used as gas sensors. To improve the sensorial response to hydrogen palladium was used as a catalyst. The films were characterized by... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta aplikovaných věd / Faculty of Applied Sciences
- Katedra fyziky / Department of Physics