Diplomové práce / Theses (KCP) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Tegér, Jakub
Majetkové předpoklady vzniku kapitálových společností (vkladová povinnost, předmět vkladu, správa vkladu apod.) a jejich funkce The graduation work describes a stock corporations, its types, term contribution manager, its legislation, scope of payment of the contribution, the separate types of contributions, the contribution object, its usability. Graduation work compares the stock companies with the new legislation, the&... |
Kadlčáková, Ivana
Poznatky z teorie a praxe zákona o registrovaném partnerství a začlenění otázky péče o dítě The focus of this thesis is the institution of registered partnerships and its status in the legal system of the Czech Republic, since the first proposals to the end of 2011. Registered Partnership Act broke many years maintained a taboo of homosexuality. The Czech Republic... |
Mazanec, Luboš
Minoritní práva v kapitálových společnostech This thesis deals with an important topic in the regulation of commercial law. It is a protection of minority shareholders in business corporations, especially in the joint-stock company. The thesis consists of seven main chapters. In the first one, there are introduced two types... |
Poklopová, Julie
Dobré mravy v reklamě This thesis concerns the regulation of advertising in the legal sense, even extra-legal - the self-regulatory. The first half thesis deals with the interpretation of the general concepts of advertising and good manners. The second half describes the various motives that often violate... |
Nováková, Markéta
Postavení soudního exekutora v ČR ve srovnání s jinými zeměmi v rámci EU The topic of this thesis is position of a judicial executor in the Czech Republic compared with other countries of the European Union. The work deals mainly with the position of a judicial executor in the Czech Republic and further the position of a judicial executor ... |
Zemanová, Tereza
Testamentární dědická posloupnost v České republice v komparaci s právním řádem Velké Británie se zaměřením na Anglii In my dissertation I described Testamentary succession of inheritance in the Czech Republic in comparison with the laws of Great Britain, focusing on England. In my work I try to compare two different legal systems, namely the Czech legal system and the Englich legal system.... |
Srb, Michal
Vymáhání průmyslových práv This thesis analyses the problem of intangible industrial rights enforcement. First the thesis describes the international treaties concerning intangible industrial rights as well as the enforcement. Further there is an analysis of intangible industrial rights from the point of view of the... |
Horáček, Petr
Předmět sporu "Matter in dispute" is the topic of the diploma thesis submitted. In the first part, I deal with the topic of the "relation of the substantive and procedural law" which has developed into various lines of thought. It especially concerns a material legal concept,... |