Diplomové práce / Theses (KCP) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 81 až 100 z 108
Zelenková, Zuzana
Flexijistota v pracovním právu

This thesis is dedicated to the flexicurity in the labour law.The first section is concerned with the origin of the term, when it has arisen for the first time and what importance it has within the European Union.The next part deals with legal term flexicurity in the...

Dolanová, Silvie
Fúze podniku a její vliv na postavení zaměstnance

The main subject of this thesis is a transfer of rights and duties arising from employment relationship due to restructuring operations in undertakings or in cases of mergers having an impact on the employment of workers of in EU law and in the Czech law. We wi...

Lörinc, Marián
Právní povaha společenských smluv.Jejich pojmové znaky a jejich funkce

Im starting my diploma thesis ,,Memorandum of asociation.Legal nature,elements and functions." with basic definition of key words.After that I focus on memorandum of asociation as fundamnetal document of business company and why is important to create it properly. About their influence...

Walter, Petr
Meze kolektivního vyjednávání v rámci kolektivních smluv vyššího stupně a postup při jejich uzavírání a rozšiřování

This thesis describes relatively specific topic the limits of a collective bargaining in higher level collective agreements and the procedure theirs closing and expansion. The aim of this paper is to describe the problems of higher level collective agreements and the process of neg...

Maoedová, Natálie
Význam kolektivních smluv v pracovněprávních vztazích, obsah, uzavírání

The thesis on the importance of collective bargaining in labor relations, content, closing deals with the specific form of social dialogue, collective bargaining, which is in the legislation narrowed to conclude collective agreements. The work deals with the process of concluding such c...

Vandrovec, David
Přechod práv a povinností z pracovněprávních vztahů

The thesis deals with the passage of rights and duties from employment relations, as is apparent from the provisions of the Czech Labour Code and the European legislation and is intended for persons from the practical life of a general legal awareness who need to get ...

Vildová, Soňa
Zaměstnávání cizinců na území ČR, vývoj právní úpravy od 1. 1. 2007

Briefly describe the residence of foreigners, also deals with employment of foreigners, the posting of workers from the CR and the EU, through recruitment agencies and offices and also deals with illegal labor.

Srbecký, Lukáš
Prameny obchodního práva a jejich explikace

This final thesis deals with sources of business/commercial law. It is in particular focusedon current Czech legal regulations, but it incorporates as well foreign law regulations and it makes a short passage about future legislation. Purpose of this final thesis is to transparentl...

Voleský, Jan
Vyživovací povinnost ve vztahu k nezletilému dítěti dle právní úpravy v České republice

Diploma thesis should provide the reader with a complex overview of aspects concerning the maintenance of a minor child. It is divided into six chapters, where in the first chapter is focused on the historical development of the institute of maintenance. The major part of ...

Hobl, Jaroslav
Vznik a zánik exekutorského úřadu

My diploma work topic is ?The commencement and termination of the judicial office? as per statute No 120/2001 dealing with judicial officers and execution activities (execution code) as amended in force.In my diploma work I have tried to summarize previous knowledge of theory ...

Hüblová, Gabriela
Soudní exekuce zřízením zástavního práva na nemovitosti a prodejem nemovitostí

This diploma thesis deals with judicial distrain from the point of view of the establishment of the lien law on properties. The introduction of the thesis generally concentrates on the key concepts of judicial distrain, judicial distrainor and the process of distraining. For the&#x...

Hanousková, Lucie
Žaloba pro zmatečnost

The subject of the master's thesis is action for nullity of judgment, which is, due to its character, categorized among the so-called extraordinary remedial measures. Based on this fact, it is possible for the plaintiff to cancel legally effective judgements suffering from defects&#...

Kailová, Andrea
Smlouva o dílo uzavíraná mezi podnikateli

The objective of the diploma thesis is to present a comprehensive explanation of issues related to contracts for work concluded between business persons. The thesis defines this type of contract in accordance with the valid legal order, applying the legislation embodied in the Czec...

Polanský, Jiří
Základní kapitál, jeho funkce, role a změny

The main objective of this thesis is to present the current Czech legislation of a capital in different forms of companies and in a cooperative, to describe the meaning of capital, functions that a capital has. It was proved, that functions of the capital are rather ...

Novotná, Markéta
Mimosmluvní užití autorských děl

The aim of this thesis is to clarify the issues of the most important exceptions and limitations to copyright. The work is divided into four parts. The first part deals with the concept of copyright. The second part describes the author's work. The third part describe...

Karhanová, Lenka
Právní úprava dědění ze závěti v Keni

The aim of this thesis is to dedicate readers to the issue of law of succession in Keya, respectively to the Kenyan adjustments to the testamentary succession, and allow the readers to compare the application of a testamentary succession in Kenya and in the Czech Republic...

Prokopová, Jana
Problematika střídavé výchovy v rodinném právu a zkušenosti opatrovnických soudců se střídavou výchovou v české justici

This diploma thesis elaborates on shared parenting as one of the possible ways of adjusting the legal situation between parents not sharing the same household and their under-age children. It represents one of the tools enabling to reduce the negative impact of divorce on the&...

Řežábek, Milan
Stanovy v s.r.o. a jejich funkce

The sense of this disertation is description of principles through the companies regulate own questions of existance. I especially focused on topic of limited companiy a and its articles as form of seconadary regulation. The disertation contains a comparison the other czech business...

Vasiľová, Valéria
Právní prostředky ochrany proti nekalé soutěži

The law of unfair competition is a part of the competition law dealing with competition practices that are concidered to be inacceptable in a good manners marketplace. In the thesis, I draw on the large body of literature as well as great amount of case law avaliable...

Jareš, Adam
Práva a povinnosti akcionáře

Thesis considers modern dividing of shareholder rights and obligations into two categories - property and non-property rights and obligations. It also provides analysis of the historical development of joint-stock companies, describes joint-stock company itself and explains basic legal institutes, whi...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 81 až 100 z 108