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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 108
Konrádová, Simona
Doručování v civilním procesu

This thesis deals with the institute of delivery service in civil court proceedings under the Act. No. 99/1963 Coll., Code of Civil Procedure (hereinafter as "o.s.ř.") and related juristical, legal and sub-legal regulations. Delivery service is one of the most important tools&...

Vaďurová, Petra
Práce přesčas a pracovní pohotovost z hlediska odměňování a jejich limitů

This thesis deals with the complex issue of overtime and work readiness, including their limits and remuneration. The first chapter is devoted to the genesis of the legislation, overtime and work readiness, the following chapters are already focused on the definition of overtime wo...

Kašák, Karel
Občanskoprávní exekuce v České republice

The object of this diploma thesis is to describe the status of the execution in the czech legal order and comparison this legal regulations with legal orders in Slovakia. The name of this thesis is Civil execution in the Czech Republic. The work is systematically divided&...

Fendrych, Jakub
Podstata nesporného řízení

This diploma thesis deals with non-contentious proceedings in a civil trial . It analyzes the law on non-contentious proceedings in 1931, further theoretical section properties undisputed control and compared to control objectionable. In the second part there are analyzed some current undisp...

Kvasničková, Věra
Předměty duševního vlastnictví v pracovněprávních vztazích

The aim of this work was to focus on the legal regulation of intellectual property objects in labor relations. The work was described industrial and copyrights and their connection with the employment relationship. Reference was also a modification of this issue within the EU.

Halámka, Jan
Zásada profesionality v obchodních vztazích a její konkrétní projevy a právní důsledky

The work deals with the specific principle of commercial law - professionalism in business relationships. It formulates requirements on businesses to act in legal relations with some care, responsibility and expertise. The work deals with the interpretation of the concepts of duty of&#x...

Vinopal, František
Problém zastoupení a jeho náklady

This paper deals with the agency problem and its costs. In fist part, it defines the legal and economic nature of the corporation and theoretical aspects of principal-agent issue, including its criticism. Further part brings the basic outline of corporate governance. In final part,...

Pluhař, Jan
Pojem družstva

This work takes for his team to define the term, and its basic aspects of its activities and organization and from the very beginning of it until after the cancellation, in the basic principles and the functioning of cooperatives, its Constitution, solutions to some theoretica...

Ďurica, Jakub
Náhrada škody v návrhu občanského zákoníku.

This thesis is about actual valid civil idemnity in Czech Republic. At first, there is written about actual idemnity and than about idemnity in the draft of Civil Code. Meantime, draft became current form of Civil Code. Than there is wrtitten short comparation about idemnity&#...

Mika, Zdeněk
Pojmové znaky nekalé soutěže

The work is devoted to conceptual features of unfair competition and defines the area in which the conceptual features of unfair competition apply with references to the judicature.

Houserová, Jana
Zvýšení základního kapitálu akciové společnosti

The objective of the thesis is to focus closely at methods of share capital increases in joint-stock companies allowed by the Commercial Code, to describe and evaluate current legislation concerning this juridical institute and to draw attention to particular difficulties concerned.

Peleška, Ladislav
Neprávní pravidla v soukromém právu

Thesis about non - legal rules in private law - moral rules, trade customs and principles of civic coexistence. It's relevance and value in civil law.

Andrejová, Gizela
Náhoda v občanském právu

The presented work is an analysis of selected parts of civil law legislation in the CzechRepublic. The main goal of this work is to outline the problems of defining the concept of chance in connection with the compensation for damage and define the basic types of cha...

Jirka, Jan
Organizační struktura akciové společnosti

This thesis deals with the organs of joint stock company - General Meeting, the Board of Directors and the Supervisory Board. Furthermore, also deals with comparison with foreign law and also adjusting well to the new law on business corporations.

Pařil, Tomáš
Ochrana zaměstnance při skončení pracovního poměru

The goal of this dissertation is the assessment of employee protection tools, defined by the law, available during termination of employment. Simultaneously an analysis of basic employment termination methods stated in the Labour Code as well as the basic principles of labour relations&...

Vopatová, Veronika
Žaloba a žalobní právo

This dissertation deals with the prosecution and the prosecution law in the public trial and the main possibilities of the protection broken and endangered rights by the courts. The protection and the correction are possible through the use of the prosecution which contains the...

Nový, Vladislav
Věcná břemena rozvodných sítí

Utility networks are absolutely essential for the modern society. First networks were established on the public tenements by state. With development of society it was necessary to build the networks also on private tenements. Therefore it was needed to solve legal relations between ...

Červenka, Václav
Důkazní břemeno a jeho dělení v rámci řízení

Thesis "The burden of proof and its division in the trial", whose main objective is to summarize the most important knowledge, ideas and thought processes of experts in the field of procedural burden of proof and provide a comprehensive interpretation of the burden of...

Profousová, Michaela
Věcná břemena v návrhu občanského zákoníku

In my diploma thesis I firstly summarized the history of easements and terminology. In the following capitol I have discussed in the detail the current regulation and regulation in the new Civil code. The main part of my thesis is formed by description of individual easem...

Ahne, Michal
Zavedení a využití formulářů při vedení obchodního rejstříku

This paper introduces the development and implementation process of index forms, including related legislative changes, the impact of the introduction of forms in practice, both in terms of registration courts, and end users.

Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 108