Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KOS) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 21 až 40 z 1089
Schwarzová, Kristýna
Etické aspekty ošetřovatelské péče u nemocných s kognitivní poruchou.

This bachelor thesis, conducted as a review study, focuses on the ethical aspects of nursing care for patients with cognitive impairment. The work aims to map and summarize current published findings in this area. The selection of studies revealed that the ethical aspects of c...

Šůsová, Helena
Adherence dialyzovaných pacientů k pitnému režimu

The topic of our work is the adherence of dialysis patients to the drinking regime. The theoretical starting points for us were professional publications devoted to chronic kidney disease. Furthermore, we were based on studies focused on regimen measures of dialysis patients. In th...

Šrédlová, Michaela
Nefarmakologické přístupy v ošetřovatelské péči o pacienta s Alzheimerovou chorobou

This bachelor thesis examines non-pharmacological approaches in nursing care for patients with Alzheimer's disease. The thesis takes the form of a review study. Initially, potential assessment tools for detecting Alzheimer's disease were identified from various sources. Subsequently, non-pha...

Svobodová, Kateřina
Kritické myšlení v práci sestry

The bachelor thesis was elaborated as a review study on the topic of Critical thinking in nursing. The aim of this theoretical work is to map and summarize current knowledge regarding the factors involved in the acquisition and use of critical thinking in studying nurses ...

Smékalová, Kateřina
Ošetřovatelské metody kvality života

The submitted bachelor thesis presents an overview of the utilized or existing model of quality of life used in the field of nursing. The thesis is structured in accordance with the objectives and is crafted as a review article. The authors conducted an analysis of availa...

Tonárová, Marcela
Prevence medikačního pochybení v ošetřovatelské praxi

This theoretical bachelor thesis focuses on the prevention of medication errors in nursing practice. Medication error prevention is an important part of nursing care. But it also serves as an indicator of the quality and safety of the care provided. This thesis attempts to map...

Mrázková, Miroslava
Zkušenosti vedoucích sester s řízením ošetřovatelské péče v době pandemie Covid-19

At the end of 2019 and the beginning of 2020, the whole world was surprised by the sudden outbreak of COVID-19. The speed and intensity of the spread of infection was shocking, but also the complications and obstacles was brought with it. The COVID-19 pandemic has ca...

Veľasová, Jana
Poporodní období a psychika ženy.

This batchelor thesis deals with maternal mental illness in the postpartum period. It is divi-ded into theoretical and practical parts. The theoretical part describes the six-week period and its physiological aspects. It goes on to describe mental disorders developing after childbirth, the&#...

Rubášová, Hana
Jazyková bariéra v ošetřovatelské péči

This bachelor's thesis investigates the interventions of nurses in the Cheb hospital while caring for patients speaking a different native language. The theoretical part is divided into three chapters. The first chapter focuses on the issue of the language barrier in West Bohemia.&#...

Vaňačová, Magdalena
Holistická péče porodní asistentky o ženu po císařském řezu

This bachelor thesis focuses on the holistic care of midwives for women after C-section. The thesis is split into a theoretical and a practical part. In the theoretical part, are described the issues of C-section (historical development, indications, anaesthesia and performance of the&#...

Malá, Kateřina
Informovanost laické veřejnosti o samovyšetření prsu

Bachelor thesis titled "Awareness of the lay public about breast self-examination" examines the issue of breast cancer and awareness of the lay public about prevention of breast cancer in the form of self-examination. The thesis consists of a practical and a theoretical part.&...

Kunešová, Jana
Řešení konfliktů všeobecnými sestrami v domovech pro seniory

The bachelor thesis deals with the problem of conflict resolution by general nurses in homes for the elderly. The thesis focuses on mapping the causes of conflicts between general nurses and clients. It also focuses on the communication strategies used by general nurses in con...

Tomanová, Eliška Marie
Podpora přirozeného porodu v praxi porodní asistentky

This bachelor thesis deals with the topic of natural childbirth. The main objective of this bachelor thesis was to determine the usability of various methods supporting the natural course of childbirth. In the theoretical part, we focus on defining the term "natural childbirth,&quo...

Váchová, Marie
Bonding- první kontakt dítěte s matkou

In this bachelor thesis we focus on the topic of bonding and the first contact between the child and the mother. The main aim of the thesis is to find out how bonding takes place after a caesarean birth. The thesis consists of two parts, in the first part&#...

Vacková, Nikola
Edukace rodičů cizí národnosti v péči o novorozence

The thesis focuses on educating women of foreign nationality in newborn care on the second day after childbirth. The theoretical part analyzes migration and communication with foreigners in healthcare facilities. The practical part presents a qualitative research study that evaluates the eff...

Štrenclová, Monika
Přírodní produkty k podpoře zdravého průběhu těhotenství, porodu a šestinedělí

This bachelor's thesis is devoted to the application of natural pharmacy methods to pregnancy, childbirth, and the puerperium. The thesis is divided into theoretical and practical parts. The theoretical part deals with the description of each of the methods of aromatherapy, homeopathy&#x...

Šperlová, Klára
Edukace dospívajících dívek o možnostech antikoncepce

This bachelor's thesis deals with the education of adolescent girls on contraceptive options. The thesis consists of two parts. The first part of the thesis is theoretical, focuses on the historical development and importance of contraception, briefly explains the functioning of the ...

Sojková, Adéla
Poruchy menstruačního cyklu a jejich vliv na psychiku ženy

This bachelor thesis deals with the impact of menstrual cycle disorders on the psycho-social needs of women. The thesis is divided into theoretical and practical parts. The theoretical part focuses on the physiological menstrual cycle, menstrual cycle disorders, the psychology of women ...

Hofmanová, Blanka
Problematika kojení a výživy nedonošeného novorozence

This bachelor thesis focuses on the issue of breastfeeding and nutrition of premature newborns. The main aim was to find out to what extent mothers who have given birth to their premature babies are aware of the possibilities of breastfeeding and nutrition of the premature...

Panfil, Nina
Perinatální ztráta

This bachelor's thesis addresses the issue of perinatal loss, aiming to explore the personal experiences of women who have gone through this painful life event. The work is divided into two main sections - theoretical and practical. Within the theoretical framework, key concepts...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 21 až 40 z 1089