Katedra výtvarné výchovy a kultury / Department of Art and Culture
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Poslední příspěvky
Kirschenmann-Tenter, Johannes
Sichtweisen der Veränderung. Beispiele kultureller Referenzen, Transformationen und Transfers |
Plíhalová, Monika
Možnost uplatnění vizuálního humoru ve výtvarné výchově The aim of the research study is to describe some positive effects of humour on the learning process of students in the field of art education and visual culture and to identify some features of visual humour that these students prefer. Qualitative research is based on... |
Bláha, Jaroslav
Neapolská opera pozdního baroka a rokoková malba jako východisko The starting point of the thematic block focused on opera and historical painting of the classicism and romanticism periods is the late baroque opera of the Neapolitan school. Both the conceptual changes - the division of the original universal type of dramma per musica into... |
Bláha, Jaroslav
Interdisciplinary Literacy as Complex Communication with Reality Nowadays, we are living in a multimedia environment which is a natural synthesis of various forms of communication. A similar situation thus occurs in the field of art, being an equally natural consequence of the gradual disruption and blurring of boundaries between individual art&... |
Vančát, Jaroslav
Strukturní pojetí sémiotického modelu jako základ porozumění účinkům obrazového znaku Perceiving artistic creation, we believe that what we see in the paintings appears to us spontaneously and immediately. However, when we distin - guish between realistic and abstract works, or for some paintings we also talk about their magical, symbolic or mythical effects, or... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikační činnost / Publications
- Fakulta pedagogická / Faculty of Education