Katedra mechaniky / Department of Mechanics
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Poslední příspěvky
Nesnídal, Vít
Projekt - Mrazírenská (chladírenská) ocelová hala \\ v areálu velkoskladu The topic chosen for the bachelor's thesis is the design of an extension to a cold storage hall that is attached to the existing hall within the Mrazírny Dýšina complex. The focus is on preparing documentation for a building permit. The main objective of this thesis... |
Kalubová, Michaela
Novostavba autosalonu s autoservisem The bachelor's thesis focuses on the design new building of the showroom with a auto service, including the documentation required for a building permit. It is a two-story building of irregular shape with an access ramp. The property also includes an outdoor rectangular storage... |
Eisenhammer, Tomáš
Stanovení ztrátového součinitele kónických redukcí různých rozměrů prostřednictvím numerických simulací The goal of this bachelor's thesis is to determine the local loss coefficients of conic pipe reductions for selected geometric parameters and selected Reynolds numbers using numerical simulations of compressible fluid flow. A general mathematical model of compressible fluid flow is descr... |
Hospodářská, Anna
Novostavba administrativní budovy Lesů ČR The aim of this bachelor´s thesis is to develop project documentation for a building permit for a new administrative building of Lesy ČR. It is a three-storey office building with irregular floor plans, which is designed with a combination of reinforced concrete and wooden CLT... |
Bareš, František
Modelování kmitání rotorů s pasivními hltiči kmitů Introduction and analysis of the current state of the issue. Implementation of basic tasks, partial models of rotor system components. Application to a selected rotordynamic system, implementation, analysis. Conclusion, overall evaluation of the work. |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta aplikovaných věd / Faculty of Applied Sciences
- 244 bakalářská práce
- 226 diplomová práce
- 120 2020 - 2024
- 351 2012 - 2019