Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KME) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 1 až 20 z 244
Nesnídal, Vít
Projekt - Mrazírenská (chladírenská) ocelová hala \\ v areálu velkoskladu

The topic chosen for the bachelor's thesis is the design of an extension to a cold storage hall that is attached to the existing hall within the Mrazírny Dýšina complex. The focus is on preparing documentation for a building permit. The main objective of this thesis&#...

Kalubová, Michaela
Novostavba autosalonu s autoservisem

The bachelor's thesis focuses on the design new building of the showroom with a auto service, including the documentation required for a building permit. It is a two-story building of irregular shape with an access ramp. The property also includes an outdoor rectangular storage...

Eisenhammer, Tomáš
Stanovení ztrátového součinitele kónických redukcí různých rozměrů prostřednictvím numerických simulací

The goal of this bachelor's thesis is to determine the local loss coefficients of conic pipe reductions for selected geometric parameters and selected Reynolds numbers using numerical simulations of compressible fluid flow. A general mathematical model of compressible fluid flow is descr...

Hospodářská, Anna
Novostavba administrativní budovy Lesů ČR

The aim of this bachelor´s thesis is to develop project documentation for a building permit for a new administrative building of Lesy ČR. It is a three-storey office building with irregular floor plans, which is designed with a combination of reinforced concrete and wooden CLT...

Bareš, František
Modelování kmitání rotorů s pasivními hltiči kmitů

Introduction and analysis of the current state of the issue. Implementation of basic tasks, partial models of rotor system components. Application to a selected rotordynamic system, implementation, analysis. Conclusion, overall evaluation of the work.

Kesl, Michael
Zpracování projektové dokumentace na úrovni pro stavební povolení pro stavbu Požární stanice typu P1

Elaboration of the project documentation of the new fire station type P1 for the building permit.

Sůsová, Kateřina
Simulace proudění krve v idealizovaných modelech patologicky \\ poškozených cév s uvažováním různých hemoreologických vlastností

The main aim of the bachelor thesis is to perform a detailed analysis of non-Newtonian effects in the case of steady flow of human blood in selected vessel models. With respect to the complex flow properties of blood, which are influenced by a number of factors, this...

Huclová, Eva
Zpracování projektové dokumentace na úrovni pro stavební povolení pro stavbu mateřské školky

This bachelor's thesis deals with the design and processing of project documentation at the building permit level for the construction of the AJDA Kindergarten in the village of Kozojedy (Pilsen - north). The goal of this bachelor's thesis is to show the structural, l...

Fryček, Martin
Zpracování projektové dokumentace na úrovni pro stavební povolení pro stavbu planetária

The topic of the bachelor thesis is the design and processing of a new planetarium project at the level of documentation for building permits. The scope of the thesis is focused mainly on the architectural design with the structural assessment of the proposed structural ...

Kovářová, Nina
Novostavba mateřské školy

The content of the bachelor's thesis, entitled Novostavba mateřské školy, is the development of project documentation at the level of building permits according to valid laws, local standards and decrees. It includes the design of a kindergarten building of an atypical shape, which&...

Levá, Kateřina
Projekt - Záchranná stanice II

The content of this bachelor thesis is the processing of project documentation in the stage for the building permit on the given topic Project - Rescue station II. The draft is designed in accordance with all applicable ordinances, standards, and regulations. The project covers...

Komorous, Lukáš
Projekt - Výstavní pavilon

The subject of this Bachelor thesis is the processing of project documentation at the level of building permits for the Project - Exhibition Pavilion. The content of the project documentation is subject to valid standards, decrees and laws. The project includes the structural and&#...

Bendová, Zuzana
Projekt - Greenhouse - dvougenerační uspořádání

The bachelor's thesis deals with the design and processing of project documentation for a building permit. This is a new construction of two family houses serving two generations. The task of the bachelor's thesis is to develop the text part according to the needs of&#...

Procházka, Mikoláš
Projekt - Pilsen One Tower - výšková budova

My bachelor's thesis deals with the design and assessment of a high-rise building, which is prepared as project documentation for a building permit according to applicable laws, decrees and standards. It will be the tallest building in the Czech Republic with a height of 1...

Klímová, Tereza
Stavební úpravy stávající jednogenerační vily

This bachelor thesis is a simplified form of documentation required for the building permit procedure legislated by the Act No. 183/2006 Coll. on town and country planning and building code (Building Act), which is defined by the Decree No. 499/2006 Coll.. The constructi...

Kouba, Jiří
Modelování a optimalizace jízdy automobilu s elektropohonem \\ jednotlivých kol

This bachelors thesis deals with mathematical modelling of on-road vehicles. Throughout this thesis, four planar models of rectilinear vehicle movement are described, which are gradually expanded to contain suspension, pitch, added number of wheels and movement in the vertical axis. Dynamic ...

Hybler, Adam
Stanovení počáteční plochy plasticity pro materiál DP1000

The aim of this work was determination of yield strength and yield surface of dualphase high strength steel DP1000 for company COMTES FHT a.s. The tensile yield strength of the material DP1000 was determined by uniaxial tensile tests. This was done by using linear regression&#...

Šatra, Filip
Novostavba polikliniky a pavilonu jednodenní chirurgie

The content of this bachelor's thesis is the elaboration of project documentation for a building permit of a medical complex according to valid laws, decrees and local standarts. The medical complex consists of a four-storey polyclinic building and a three-storey short-term surgery ...

Augustiňák, Tomáš
Modelování proudění krve v 1D modelech arterií s uvažováním \\ poddajnosti cévních stěn

The main goal of this bachelor thesis is to derive and solve a mathematical model of unsteady flow of an incompressible fluid in 1D compliant vessel that approximates the pulsatile blood flow in a straight segment of a compliant artery. In addition to summarizing the main...

Osifčin, Lukáš
Projekt - Prodejna do obcí a měst pro 50000 obyvatel

The topic of the bachelor's thesis is the design of a grocery store with adjacent outdoor parking. The overall proposal is in force with all relevant ordinances, regulations and standards. The work also focuses on the static assessment of selected structural parts ...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 1 až 20 z 244