Diplomové práce / Theses (KEV) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 1 až 20 z 41
Novotný, Radim
Rekonstrukce el.lokomotivy na hybridní vozidlo trolej+baterie

This thesis tries to show possible variants of reconstruction of vehicles with frequent acceleration and deceleration, showed on example of a shunter locomotive. Examples of requirements based on deployment and specifics of reconstruction are provided, as well as probable topology of vehicle...

Paveza, Tomáš
Konstrukce elektrického stroje s permanentními magnety v Halbachově uspořádání

The presented master thesis deals with the construction of an electric rotating machine with permanent magnets in a Halbach array configuration. The design is based on the electromagnetic design from the previous bachelor thesis. The aim of this thesis is to create a 3D model&...

Bělík, Martin
Vliv uspořádáni vinutí na ztráty při vysokých frekvencích

The thesis investigates the influence of the winding design on the winding losses of electrical machines. This work describes 2D models that study the possibilities of loss reduction by the winding displacement from the stator slot opening, by the change of the winding material,&#x...

Chlad, Lukáš
Počítačový zdroj s monitorovací funkcí

The thesis focuses on the development of ATX computer power supplies and their power topologies, encompassing analysis of various versions of ATX and their efficiencies. The main objective of the work is the design and implementation of the power section of an ATX power supply...

Janoch, Kamil
Trakční napájecí stanice pro systém 25 kV / 50 Hz využívající topologii SFC

This thesis deals with issues of traction supply using AC system 25 kV / 50 Hz. It mainly focuses on modern methods such as SFC. Besides this this thesis deals with today still used methods of railway traction power supply on routes with the AC system 25 kV...

Kolerus, Josef
Studie připojitelnosti elektrárny do elektrizační soustavy

The thesis is focused on simulation and subsequent assessment of grid code tests for a newly connected power production unit to the grid. The issued is solved in Simulink, employing a Phasor-based solution method. The thesis deals with the particular models utilized in the sim...

Kraft, Matěj
Implementace řízení vícefázového elektrického pohonu

The presented thesis deals with the design and practical implementation of a dual field-oriented control of a nine-phase induction machine with separate regulation of first and third harmonic current components using a digital signal processor. The implemented control algorithm was &#...

Hazuka, Ondřej
Řízení laboratorního prototypu střídače

The thesis describes the components of a modern drive and their characteristics, the control algorithms, and the necessary means to implement that control, together with the derivation and definition of the necessary equations, especially the mathematical model of an asynchronous motor. �...

Holý, Jiří
Vývoj a výroba nových ložiskových štítů pro vytipované elektrické stroje, určené pro připojení vodního nebo olejového chlazení

This thesis focuses on the modification of a 4 kW asynchronous machine from conventional fan-on-shaft cooling to spray cooling. This included the creation of the coolant distribution and cooling system, the creation of bearing labyrinths for their protection, the determination of the lo...

Klíma, Martin
Lokalizace zemního spojení pomocí odrazu signálu

This thesis is about ground fault localisation using signal reflection measurement on power line. It deals with design of a circuitry of a coupling device suitable for signal injection into power line during its operation using a power inverter and measurement of reflected signal.&...

Šanda, Jakub
Návrh silového obvodu třífázového střídače pro studentský projekt elektrické čtyřkolky

The aim of this work was to select key components for a 3-phase inverter, to design a scheme and water cooling regard to the EMRAX 188-MV-LC electric motor, and to construct and experimentally verify the basic functions of the designed inverter. The work begins with a...

Mulák, Tomáš
Návrh pomocného elektrického pohonu na solární energii pro kamió- \\novou dopravu

The focus of this thesis is on the definition of parameters for a photovoltaic power source located on the roof of a heavy-duty vehicle trailer and the subsequent use of the produced energy with an auxiliary electric drive. The theoretical part of the thesis describes the...

Procházka, Vojtěch
Topologie klíčových komponentů pro studentský projekt elektrické čtyřkolky

The aim of this diploma thesis is to design the topology of the key components of an electric quad that meets the safety requirements based on the Formula SAE rules. The electric quad is one of the student projects which are currently in progress at the Faculty ...

Studnička, Jiří
Konstrukce trakční baterie motokáry

This thesis is focused on the design and realization of a traction battery for an electric kart. The aim of this thesis was to describe the main design rules for traction batteries, to design the mechanical and electrical layout of the relevant battery components, to desi...

Mathauser, Tomáš
Inteligentní nabíječka pro Formula Student

The thesis deals with the design and implementation of the intelligent charger software for Formula Student. The first part describes the charger hardware including the overall topology, parameters and Formula Student rules related to the charger. The next section presents the behavioural&#x...

Raichart, David
Formula Student - řídicí elektronika trakčního střídače

This thesis deals with the design and construction of an inverter assembly for driving motors in an electric formula. This is the first prototype of a fully electric formula designed by a university team from the University of West Bohemia. The assembly includes transistor mod...

Kadlec, Martin
Dynamické modely elektrických strojů

The purpose of this thesis is to solve the problem of mathematical modelling of electrical machines. Its' aim is to create a tool using the high-level programming language Python, which will contain dynamic models of electrical machines and on their basis will be able to&#...

Rozhon, Ondřej
Návrh statické budící soupravy pro synchronní generátor

The design of static excitation for a synchronous generator is an important component of a power generation device. In this work, a static excitation system for a synchronous generator using a thyristor rectifier was designed and tested. The excitation system was designed to ...

Kadlec, Dominik Karel
Trakční měnič pro projekt studentské elektroformule

The thesis focuses on the design of a power converter for a student e-formula project. The theoretical part includes a description of the inverter system along with analytical calculations for temperature analysis. The practical part includes simulation calculations of temperature analysis a...

Kreissl, Martin
Návrh pětifázového trakčního motoru pro použití s injektáží třetí harmonické složky

This diploma thesis deals with the design of a five-phase traction electric motor with a special rotor design enabling the use of injection of the third harmonic component of the current. The first part of the thesis contains a search for solutions for electric motors ada...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 1 až 20 z 41