Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KKY) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Hanzl, Marek
Predikce rizika zhoršení u pacientů s roztroušenou sklerózou This work focused on designing, testing and developing an automated system for predicting the risk of worsening and cumulative probability of worsening of patients with multiple sclerosis. For this purpose, several datasets, models, and metrics were selected and evaluated. Multiple standard ... |
Sukovatý, Daniel
Modelování a identifikace portálových jeřábů This bachelor thesis deals with the design of methods for identifying unknown parameters of a crane. We assume knowledge of the model structure, parts of the set of physical parameters, and other data obtained through experimentation. The overall time of the identification method, ... |
Svoboda, Jan
Intuitivní programování robotů pomocí lankových systémů This bachelor thesis focuses on the design of a system for intuitive programming of manipulators using wire encoders. The bachelor thesis includes the mathematical derivation of the direct kinematic problem, the resolution of ambiguity issues, and the analysis of the workspace. A simula... |
Šulc, Matěj
Rozpoznávání řeči pomocí neuronových sítí s navazujícím sequence-to-sequence modelem This bachelor thesis focuses on the development and optimization of a speech recognition system utilizing a combination of two main technological tools from the domains of acoustic signal processing and natural language processing: the Wav2Vec2.0 neural network, complemented by the sequence-to-se... |
Kučera, Václav
Automatická detekce typu události ve videozáznamu fotbalového\\ utkání This bachelor thesis deals with automatic event detection in football match videos. Its main objective is to analyze and process video recordings in order to find key events such as goals, corners, fouls and other significant moments of the match. The motivation and applications... |
Vodrážka, Adam
Návrh řídicího systému pro autonomní RC automobil This bachelor's thesis focuses on designing control for an autonomous RC car driving on a track, aiming at selecting and tracking the racing trajectory while minimizing the time needed to complete the course. The reader is introduced to the car model, and a control method&... |
Kolář, Petr
Kooperativní řízení multiagentního systému se zaměřením na detekci a ošetření kolizí This bachelor thesis focuses on cooperative control of a multi-agent system especially on the tasks of detecting and treating collisions between agents and obstacles. The aim of the thesis is to explain and demonstrate methods for controlling groups of autonomous agents to achieve ... |
Praum, Jiří
Distribuovaný způsob řešení pro Economic Dispatch Problem This entire thesis is dedicated to the investigation of the Economic Dispatch Problem (EDP) in power networks, particularly focusing on distributed solutions. The outcomes of the decentralized algorithm will be compared with the traditional centralized method to verify whether both approach... |
Kozel, Lukáš
Transport břemene pomocí bezpilotního letounu This bachelor's thesis focuses on the development and implementation of a control algorithm for a drone with suspended load, aimed at effectively reducing cargo oscillations during flight. First of all, a mathematical model of the controlled system is derived, which is crucial for... |
Kejval, Filip
Sledování pohybu pracovního nástroje a replikace pohybu robotem This work deals with the possibility of using the commercially available HTC Vive system and the extended Kálmán filter for accurate and reliable online tracking of any work tool or object in industrial applications and subsequent replication of the recorded path by a robotic ... |
Herman, Jakub
Sledování dronu This bachelor thesis deals with the development and implementation of a drone tracking algorithm in a leader-follower configuration using ROS2 and PX4 Autopilot technologies, including the Gazebo garden simulation environment. The aim is to design and experimentally validate a system that al... |
Gaier, Jakub
Návrh systému na tvorbu počítačového modelu skutečného objektu vhodného pro následný 3D tisk This work deals with the design of a system for creating a computer model of a real object suitable for subsequent 3D printing. The aim of this thesis is to get acquainted with the basic principles of 3D scanning and 3D model creation, from measured data to its&... |
Valtr, Ondřej
Simulátory přístupů k úloze Simultánní lokalizace a mapování vytvořené pro systém ROS2 This bachelor thesis deals with the problem of Simultaneous Localization and Mapping. The problem is correctly formulated and its mathematical probabilistic form, as it is usually defined, is given and further worked with. An extensive section of the thesis describes three basic approac... |
Soukupová, Barbora
Analýza nástrojů a pipeline pro zpracování long-read sequencing dat Long-read sequencing is a technology that has revolutionised the field of genomics. Unlike previously used sequencing techniques, which are able to read only short fragments of DNA, long-read sequencing can produce reads of tens of thousands of bases in length, providing a new and&... |
Viktora, Jan
Analýza výkonu operatéra během nácviku chirurgického šití z videa The focus of this bachelor thesis is to develop an algorithm that will be able to detect certain medical instruments (needle holder, tweezers, scissors) from an image. Another algorithm will be able to detect different objects in the image, this detection will be used to ... |
Majer, Filip
Detekce objektů s využitím textových dotazů In the theoretical part of the thesis, the general theory of feedforward, recurrent and convolutional neural networks is presented. This is followed by a detailed description of the Transformer architecture, important models and datasets used for object detection. In the practical part ... |
Tauš, Daniel
Detekce akustických událostí This thesis is focused on neural networks for audio signal detection and classification. In the first chapter, we will learn about machine learning, types of neural networks, how we process the signal and how the results are evaluated. The second chapter contains experiments on... |
Kimlová, Vladimíra
Neuronové sítě pro porozumění řeči Neural networks have become a dominant tool for many tasks in the field of machine learning and artificial intelligence. However, achieving high accuracy in solving a given task requires a large amount of annotated data for network training, which can be time-consuming and expensiv... |
Kovář, Jan
Analýza přístupů k autonomnímu přistání dronu na plošině This bachelor's thesis deals with the analysis of approaches to autonomous landing of drones on a platform. The research focuses on unmanned aerial vehicles and their wide range of applications in various fields. The main objective is to explore various methods for ... |
Kašáková, Tereza
Automatické rozpoznávání typů otázek v různých jazycích The subject of this thesis is the automatic recognition of question types in various languages. The thesis analyzes types of sentences and types of questions, focuses on their intonation and describes its rules in different languages. The issue is looked at from the perspective... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta aplikovaných věd / Faculty of Applied Sciences
- Katedra kybernetiky / Department of Cybernetics