Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KEV) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Ondřej, Štěpán
Vlivy různých uspořádání na tepelné modely elektrických strojů This bachelor thesis is focused on the influence of axial and radial water cooling on the temperature model of the machine. First, the design of the synchronous machine for different variants of PM stored in the rotor was carried out. Furthermore, the variants were modeled... |
Šiman, Stanislav
Simulace prediktivního řízení asynchronního motoru This bachelor thesis is focused on the solution of predictive control asynchronnous motor. This work is solved in the MATLAB development environment. The work deals with the control of an asynchronous motor using currents Isdw and Isqw based on their pre-calculated prediction values... |
Mičo, Lukáš
Tavení kovů v indukčních kelímkových pecích The presented bachelor thesis is focused on the process of metal melting in induction crucible furnaces. Furthermore, the work deals with various types of heating and heat transfer, the theory of heating and its efficiency. Part of the work is the introduction of the main ... |
Jírů, Václav
Vyhodnocení výskytu přerušení a událostí na napětí This bachelor thesis deals with the evaluation of voltage events and their possible aggregation. The first part theoretically discusses the quality of electricity supply, voltage quality and continuity of electricity supply. The second part deals with the evaluation of the occurrence of ... |
Bajcár, Filip
Transformátory s regulací fáze This bachelor thesis deals with the issues of design, construction, possible involvement and implementation of the transformer with phase regulation. The introductory part focuses on the reasons for use of these transformers in the transmission network in Central Europe, it is principle ... |
Klouda, Ondřej
Vliv konstrukce magnetického obvodu na indukčnost a ztráty tlumivky This work contains data measured and evaluated during measurement on two specimens of 3f choking coils with EI core. These data are evaluated and describe the effect of different constructional modifications on the parameters of the measured devices. |
Kanta, Tomáš
Řízení jalového výkonu v obnovitelných zdrojích připojených do distribuční sítě This bachelor thesis deals with the conditions of connecting a renewable energy source into the distribution network grid in the Czech republic. The next chapter focuses on the various ways of controlling active power and reactive power in the electrical grid. The goal of the&... |
Cihla, Tomáš
Přednosti elektrotepelných technologií The presented bachelor thesis focuses on the advantages of electrothermal processes and their use in industry. In the first chapter I will mention the basic industrial processes and in the second chapter I will link to individual electrothermal technologies that can be used in ... |
Strnad, Martin
Srovnání metod regulace stejnosměrného pohonu The main focus of this work is to describe several methods of tuning PI and PID controllers. Every method of tuning controller is briefly described and divided into several steps. These steps serves for easier tuning controller. The work also contains detailed procedures for d... |
Halvoník, Tomáš
Tepelné modely výkonových polovodičových modulů Following bachelor work is focused on creating thermal model of semiconductor power module by using thermal model based on Cauer and Foster network of RC components. Results of the simulation are then comparted with temperature measurement of an IGBT chip, acquired by measuring the... |
Ustiuzhanin, Denis
Prezentace mezní provozní oblasti synchronního alternátoru v impedanční rovině This bachelor thesis is focused on the creating of the web application, that helps to convert values from a PQ plane to a impedance plane. This work shows the algorithm and graphical realization of this data conversion as graphical application.The algorithm is driven by "... |
Šmucr, David
Plně elektromagnetický kulový ventil This Bachelor thesis is focused on the design of a ball valve with a fully electromagnetic actuator and basic experimental verification of its function. The introductory part outlines the construction of classical ball valves, the design of individual structural elements and their princ... |
Jašíček, Tomáš
Osvětlovací systémy moderního heliportu This Bachelor's paper is dealing with problematics of lighting systems which are used by todays modern heliports. In the first part of the paper is the description of the general problematics of the lighting systems used on heliports, with focus on their placement and ligh... |
Zmeko, Filip
Mechanismy přeskoku a průrazu v izolačních materiálech pro techniku vn This thesis goes over the issue of the breakdown mechanism in insulation materials, and provides a brief overview of the currently used insulation materials and materials that are subjected that is researched in order to solve the problem of the replacement of environmentally hazar... |
Kubaň, Martin
Koncepce a konstrukční provedení nulového bodu elektrických sítí This thesis focuses on the issue with the earthing of electrical network node. The theoretical part of the thesis contains a description of individual ways of electrical network node operation. The way of electrical network node operation manifests itself especially in the event of... |
Tureček, Jakub
Elektromagnetický systém pro paralelni polohování magnetických těles The submited bachelor thesis deals with electromagnetic system for parallel positioning of magnetic bodies. The system consists of miniature robots created by permanent magnets, and an actuator created by the system of planar coils. The thesis consists of the design of math... |
Zekucia, Marek
Technologie kontaktování v elektronice The bachelor thesis deals with the topic of contacting technology in electronics and describes various technologies for contacting components to substrates. Technologies of soldering of electronics components and bonding of electronics components are described in detail. There are also described ... |
Soukupová, Blanka
Smart textilie - technologie kontaktování This bachelor thesis deals with smart textile, in literature termed also like intelligent or active. The thesis contains history, distribution of textile and it describes the principles of making contacts for each method and description of their utilization. Particular emphasis is placed... |
Berber, Jan
Řešení napájení vlastní spotřeby transformoven v ČEZ Distribuci,a.s. The bachelor's work presented deals with the standard involvement of the inherent consumption of the node transformers in the CEZd property and the possible consequences when the automatic backup systems malfunction on the operation. The work includes a proposal for a procedure to... |
Pangrác, Tomáš
Analýza mobilních aplikací pro měření osvětlenosti The master theses presents is focused on the mobility of applications for measuring lighting and their real applicability. The prelude is an introduction to the basic knowledge of light analysis. The following chapters contain the principles and possibilities of measuring illumination using&... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta elektrotechnická / Faculty of Electrical Engineering
- Katedra elektromechaniky a výkonové elektroniky / Department of Electromechanics and Power Electronics
- 664 bakalářská práce