Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KEV) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 21 až 40 z 664
Myšák, Martin
Elektromobilita - koncepce pro domácnosti

The bachelor's thesis deals with a new trend in the field of transport - electromobility. It describes the principle of the electric car and its main components, a comparison of properties compared to conventional vehicles with internal engines and the reasons why vehicle trans...

Šustek, David
Návrh online diagnostického systému

The bachelor's thesis deals with the possibilities of application of online diagnostic systems on railway security technology. It summarizes the basic theoretical concepts in the field of diagnostics of electrical equipment and also focuses on the technical means of information transmission&#...

Červený, František
Dálkově ovládané prvky v distribuční síti na hladině 22kV

In this bachelor's thesis I tried to evaluate the effects of manipulation, especially in case of failures, with manual controls, which are controlled by operational electricians at the location of the control, and elements with remote control, which can manipulate regional dispatchers&#x...

Knížek, Vojtěch
Návrh přenosného záložního zdroje

This bachelor thesis deals with backup power supplies. The introductory part describes various types of backup power supplies for small appliances, their internal connection and used batteries. The next part focuses on the possibility of using recycled Li-Ion batteries in portable...

Štajer, Jan
Elektrické otopné systémy

The bachelor thesis deals with electrical heating systems and evaluates, what effect electrical heating systems have on thermal comfort and which are convenient for family house. The theoretical part is applied on the sample family house. At first there is calculated the energy int...

Roztočil, Richard
Regulace elektrického pohonu dětské čtyřkolky

The aim of this bachelor's thesis is to design a new converter for a children's quadricycle, using the MATLAB simulation model. The proposed new converter should increase the motorization and increase the functions of the children's quadricycles.

Košuta, Lukáš
Návrh kompenzačního rozvaděče

This thesis deals with reactive power compensation device on low voltage. Theoretical part of the work explains basic terms of reactive power, benefits and reasons for the application of power factor correction device. Types and the use of compensation devices and individual components&...

Boula, Luboš
Řídicí jednotka přestavníků pro modelovou železnici

This bachelor thesis is focused on control of units of switch machines on model railways using CAN communication. The design of the printed circuit board was designed in the computer program Altium Designer 18. The work uses a microcontroller MC9S08DZ60, which is programmed in ...

Frydrych, Antonín
Použití noktovizorů v praxi

The work deals with night vision issues, imaging capability, range and availability. The bachelor's thesis contains information regarding understanding the fundamentals.

Calta, Lukáš
Návrh monitorovacího zařízení pro sběr dat do vzdáleného uložiště

The presented bachelor thesis is focused on the design and realization of a universal electronic device for automatic testing and measurement of newly developed and manufactured prototypes of various electronic devices with possibility of sending measured data to a web server. The work&...

Albrecht, Patrik
Řídicí jednotka kolejových úseků modelové železnice

The content of this bachelor's thesis is to improve the current control unit of railway tracks model. This work presents individual methods of detecting the occupancy of railway sections. The designed hardware and program for the control unit are analyzed. The unit acts as ...

Černohorský, Pavel
Vyhodnocení kvality napětí v místech připojení fotovoltaických elektráren

The content of this work is the evaluation of voltage quality in the electrical system at the connection points of photovoltaic power plants. The aim is to evaluate voltage variations and other important voltage characteristics and voltage parameters, assess the extent to which the...

Kohout, Jan
Izolační prvky vedení vn a vvn

The bachelor's thesis deals with the study of the layout of electric and magnetic fields on insulating elements at high and very high voltage levels. The work also examines the mechanical effects on these insulating elements. The simulations were focused on the already used...

Kopsa, Martin
Způsoby určování proudu při rozběhu asynchronního stroje s kotvou nakrátko

The bachelor thesis presents the solution of various methods of current determination during the start-up of an asynchronous machine with a squirrel-cage.

Blaško, Jan
Návrh hardwaru pro CAN simulátor

The presented bachelor thesis is focused on a brief description of baisc information about CAN and LIN buses and mainly hardware design of CAN simulator, which will be used in practice for diagnostics of CAN and LIN communication in automotive.

Petrášek, Jiří
Návrh venkovské distribuční sítě NN

The thesis deals with the low voltage distribution grid in the village Velký Bor. In the theoretical part, the current state of the grid, technical parameters and trends used in the construction or reconstruction of distribution grid are described.The practical part of ...

Fiala, Jakub
Literární rešerše souboru technických norem z oblasti Vibrace, rázy a měření vibrací a rázů

This bachelor thesis is focused on literary research of technical standards in the field of vibration, shock and vibration and shock measurement. In the introductory chapter, this bachelor thesis focuses on the evaluation of vibrations and the maximum permissible values of vibration of&...

Calda, Radek
Návrh mikromotoru s axiálním tokem

The bachelor thesis deals with the design of an electric micromotor with axial magnetic flux with permanent magnets. The first chapter describes individual types of machines with axial flux. The second chapter deals with choosing of topolgy and designing of model in program COMSOL&...

Freml, Hynek
Vývoj tramvajové dopravy v Plzni

This bachelor thesis is focused on the problematics of the tram transport development in Pilsen. It describes the history of trolley wiring from the first trolley constructions for bar collectors till contemporary ones. Then the description of converter stations and the future vis...

Prais, Vojtěch
Řízení jalového výkonu v obnovitelných zdrojích připojených do distribuční sítě

This thesis describes the reasons for controlling active and reactive power in renewable sources and ways to achieve this control in individual types of these power sources. The last chapter includes a practical analysis of the effects of controlling reactive power in a network...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 21 až 40 z 664